With an exciting final round of the Masters Tournament pending at Augusta National Golf Club, this seems an appropriate time to post a video of a golf club that uses an explosive charge to propel the ball.
This would be the club of choice for Anton Chigurh.
The club uses a plastic strip of five (5) small powder charges, called a Power Strip. Energy from the charge drives the striker in the club head forward to hit the ball. An adjustable range control enables shots from approximately 25 to 200 yards. The handle grip has two parts - the upper grip slides up a few inches to cock the club, and the lower grip has the safety and the trigger. Holding the club like a regular driver, position it on the grass about an inch behind the ball (no tees needed) and press the safety and the trigger on the lower grip. With no swing involved there are no divots, fewer errant shots and fewer lost golf balls.
This would be the club of choice for Anton Chigurh.
Comments (14)
Baseball pitchers have also been replaced by ball machines.
The inevitable march of technology.
1 Cock the handle
2 Advance the Power Strip
3 Push the striker back in....
What? Why in the world would you first cock and load it, then handle the end that shoots out with enough force to drive a ball 2-300 yards? That's a liability just waiting for an accident.
"No, really Judge, I was just following the instructional video when I lost my finger."
Love the Anton Chigurh reference. No Country (Club) For Old Men