Yesterday I posed this thought to our Twitter and Facebook users: The world can be divided into two types of people: Those who squeeze the toothpaste in the middle (or anywhere, randomly), and those who must squeeze from the bottom.
Then I asked for additional examples. Dozens poured in. Here are my Top 10 Favorites:
10. Heather Griffin said: one that calls any type of cola SODA, and the other that calls it POP.
9. Kristen Leigh said: Those who hang the roll of toilet paper over, and those who hang under.
8. Liz Kim said: those who pour the cereal in first and those that pour the milk in...!
7. Ferris Weston said: 1) Those who do not understand dichotomies.
6. Jane Daugherty Martin said: People who read the instructions and those who do not
5. Kathryn Kamowski said: Those who like Journey, and those who lie.
4. Rammy Meyerowitz said: There are two "types" of people, the "touch-typists" and the "hunt and peckers"
3. Norbert Smith said: Those who think there are two types of people, and those who don't.
2. Charlotte Holden said: those that understand Lost and those that appreciate all this free time on their hands
And my number-1 favorite, which is an old math joke, but one I’d never heard before: Amy Dyer said: There are 10 types of people: Those who understand binary and those who don't
Here’s my answers, what are yours?
10 – soda, 9 – over, 8 – cereal, 6 – do not read, 5 – Journey rocks!, 4 – touch, 3 – two types!, 2 – time on hands!
Don't forget to Follow us: @neatorama and Fan us:
9- over
8- cereal
6- read
5- non-lying liar
4- touch
3- yes
2- understand
1- not a clue
Thanks, David!
10. pop 9. over 8. Milk 6. read 5. They're okay 4. touch 3. don't 2. I kicked that addiction a while ago 1. I'm kind of ashamed that I got that.
I haven't posted for a long time, just wanted to say how much I love Neatorama. I visit it every day.
9. Over.
8. Cereal first.
7. Reminds me of geomatry, I'll pass.
6. I do both.
5. Don't know.
4. “touch-typists” (I once knew someone that called the the hunt and pecker typing "search and destroy").
3. I don't.
2. Lotsa time.
1. This would make my nerd friends proud, cos I got it!
9. over
8. Neither
7. not
6. do not
5. neither
4. “hunt and pecker”
3. don’t.
2. appreciate free time
1. ...huh...? ...Blue...? Or- No!-Sweet! Or... C-minor! ...Still the wrong answer eh....? Hm...
9. under
8. cereal first
7. Do
6. Instructions reader
5. I don't like Journey but I've never lied about it
4. touch-typist
3. Don't
2. Lotsa time
1. Understood.
9. Over
8. Cereal first
7. Do
6. Read
5. Like
4. touch
3. Don't
2. Definitely don't understand Lost
1. Understand