Neatorama Post No. 25,000 (And a Giveaway)

Woohoo! It seems like it was only last week when we hit post# 20,000 back in May of last year. We've now hit another milestone: this is the 25,000th post on the blog.

Thank you to all of Neatorama's authors, Upcoming Queue submitters, NeatoShop customers and, of course, you, dear reader! Time sure flies when you're having fun.

This calls for a celebration - let's have a giveaway. Head on to the NeatoShop and take a quick look around. Then let us know: How we're doing? What you like about the blog and/or store, and what you hate about them. How can we improve?

Give us your feedback in the comment section. IMPORTANT: Write what you like to get from the store (yup, one thing - anything at all) alongside your comment. If it's T-shirt, please let us know the size and color as well. One comment per person, please. One lucky winner will be announced in a few days.

Thank you!

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I stumbled upon this site from a Miss Cellania link dump and have been coming back ever since. The best product is the Domestically Disabled shirt [SIZE S ;)] bc that's me: a woman who hates to clean and when she's forced to clean can't seem to work the applainces or get things as clean as other cans. So, my motto has become: just don't make a mess in the first place darnit!
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Neatorama is the first stop in my reader feed everyday.

I love the wide variet of cool stuff on there. I'm even trying my hand at blogging!

I need more USB outlets, and would love the Robot USB Hub if I am lucky enough to be selected.

Thanks Neatorama!

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I like the colorful design of the site, but one thing that I find very slightly odd is the categories listed on the very top of the page - someone quickly browsing the site could assume that that is the comprehensive list of all available products, which would be only mice, tshirts and bottles, and miss out on all the great stuff under the left-hand categories section, like kitchen stuff.
I love the cow 3-d anatomy model.
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i love the new artwork, and shop. but my favorite thing is the new easy login. it would be sweet to be the ability to view/enter comments from the main page :)

oh yeah... what happened to the baby onesies?

i'd love the samurai umbrella :)
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