Danger is his middle name. And hers, too.

Billie Lampard will always be able to tell people that Danger is her middle name, and so will her brother. Their parents Amy and Glenn Lampard of East Melbourne, Australia named the newborn twins Billie Danger and Ridley Danger.
"I've always wanted to be able to say it myself," Mr Lampard said.

"We're actually enjoying calling them the 'Danger Twins' at the moment. It's a bit of a novelty."

Billie Danger Lampard and her brother Ridley Danger Lampard were born about six weeks early at Epworth Freemasons Hospital on Wednesday.

They say family and friends have mixed reactions to the names. http://www.news.com.au/weird-true-freaky/billey-and-ridley-lampard-given-danger-as-middle-name/story-e6frflri-1225846444721 -via Arbroath

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You can't really help what your parents call you? If he/she doesn't like it in the future, they can alwyas change it. It's a cute middle name, just because it is an actual word doesn't make it any less of a good name.

I know people who named their kids Apple, Sunrise, Sunshine, Lucky, etc. They are all cute and perfect for them.
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