Annette Edwards, who has worked for years to breed the world's biggest rabbit, and was recently in the news for having plastic surgery to look more like Jessica Rabbit, is looking for help. Edwards is holding auditions for the position of rabbit handler, to help with Alice, her rabbit that holds the world's record for the longest bunny, as they made public appearances. Think you have the stuff for this £70,000 a year position?
Link -via Bigredkev
Current Guinness World Record title holder Annette Edwards, 57, a real-life version of Jessica Rabbit, is looking for a handler to show big bunny Alice over the next year. Whoever gets the role can expect a life-changing year, travelling with Annette to far-flung corners of the globe.Already booked are personal appearances in Paris at the end of April on a television show and the heart of fashion, Milan, in May.
The two-and-a-half year old bunny also weights a whopping three-and-a-half stone so some
strength will be needed. The ideal candidates needs to be someone who can handle the rabbit and loves pets, with a big personality and not be shy in front of the camera.
Link -via Bigredkev
Newest 5 Comments
Remember what the lady in the movie "Roger and Me" said: "Pet or Food?".
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When the job title is "Rabbit Handler" and the owner is a self described "Jessica Rabbit" look-alike, one should wonder how much time is to be spent handling the rabbit as opposed to handling the Rabbit.
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That is one scary looking woman. I thought she was going to club and eat me.
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Click the highlighted words "plastic surgery" and you can read the story about the plastic surgery.
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I am a huge fan of Jessica Rabbit....What sort of plastic surgery are we talking about here?
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