The Cro Magnon

The Cro Magnon were said to be the precursor to the Homo sapiens, however we know very little about their religion, traditions, and way of life. What we do know is that their cave drawings were strategically placed in inaccessible areas. What were they trying to accomplish and what did the drawings mean?

What’s interesting about the Cro Magnon cave drawings is that the animals are quite lifelike in their orientation, yet the people drawn were not. Furthermore, the animals painted-bison, horses, wild boar, and bears-depict arrows and spears plunging into their bodies at the most critical points during a hunt. This same action is shared with the Native Americans, who similarly shot arrows into certain points within the animals to provide the animal with a swift death.


From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by lannaxe96.

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I have to disagree with you, respectfully. I think that Native Americans had an understanding with these animals, as well as the Cro Magnon. It's almost like they discussed what was going to happen to them prior. They had a purpose I guess. There was a mutual agreement.

I'm against the art of hunting, as you've made it abundantly clear that you are as well. However, you can't assume that hunters back then just did it for sport. Of course they had to eat, but I think they had much more respect for the animals. The same can't be said for hunters nowadays. Not all hunters, but many.

Where hunters today will murder the animal and mount it on a wall, back then they used every part of the animals to stay warm, eat, and for spiritual purposes.
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Artists usually study anatomy to better draw or paint the human form. I'm sure the hunters had extensive anatomical knowledge of the animals they killed, since, yes they did want them to die ASAP, but also because they butchered the animals on a regular basis.

So, technically, I should be able to draw the hell out of a Big Mac.
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"This same action is shared with the Native Americans, who similarly shot arrows into certain points within the animals to provide the animal with a swift death."

Yeah. You mean, so as to keep the animals from kicking or biting or clawing or stomping them to death.

There's no reason to assume that yesterday's hunters were any more compassionate than today's hunters are, which is to say, not at all.
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Heck, I have to fight the urge to take it personally when I drop something on my foot or break off a nail past the wick doing dishes. Human beings are hard wired to detect agency -- even where there is none (better to be the one that runs away when the wind rustles the grass than the one that knows it could be the wind, but is wrong). Imagine how easy it would be for people who didn't even know the world was round or why there were seasons to just assume that there were forces beyond their comprehension controlling it all. Once you start believing that, and that you have a special place among it all (because we are also very narcissistic and prone to confirmation bias) the idea that you can appease those forces through abstract rituals doesn't seem so strange.
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