The South Korean company Primpo has developed an improved cane for the visually impaired. It vibrates with increasing intensity as its sensor approaches an object. It can also detect colors:
Unlike conventional white canes, with which a user can not detect obstacles above waist height, the "Isonic" model can detect obstacles within a range of 25 degrees horizontally and 50 degrees vertically with an integrated supersonic sensor.
The product can also detect obstacles within a distance of 2 meters, as well as very slim objects, narrower than 3cm. With decreasing distance to an object, the cane's vibrating indicator sends a stronger signal to the user, pinpointing the location of the obstacle.
A feature to inform a visually impaired user of an object's color draws special attention. With a color sensor attached, the user is informed by voice messages of 10 detectable colors and their brightness, including red, orange and blue.
Link via OhGizmo! | Photo:
yes...those are especially nice colors...
Sorry, I just had to say it.