Unemployed Man Giving Away $10 Every Day

Reed Sandridge lost his job last year and took up a new hobby. He gives away $10 every day to someone who looks as if they could use it, a different person every day. And Sandridge expects nothing in return but a good feeling.
His mom, the daughter of a coal miner whom he remembers most for her kindness, always told him that when you're going through tough times, that's when you most need to give back.

So not long after he was laid off, on the third anniversary of his mom's death, he started his "year of giving," documenting each $10 gift in a small black notebook and then blogging about the people he meets. By Day 94, he had given away almost $1,000, handing out money in blizzards, in rainstorms, on the sunniest of days.

Sandridge is using his savings and his unemployment benefits for the giveaways. Some of the folks he gives money to use it to help others. He tells stories of the people he meets in his blog, which has led others to help them out as well. Link to story. Link to blog. -via Digg

(image credit: Katherine Frey/the Washington Post)

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Jesus says to give, expecting nothing in return. Nothing. No "warm fuzzies", no pats on the back, no recognition on public forums, no payback from anywhere, from anyone.

While I think it's admirable that he's trying to help others with what is rightfully his to collect (it IS insurance, not welfare!) I understand some of the cynicism expressed here.

It would be better if he kept it to himself (the blogging about it), and if someone ELSE praised him for it, let it be made known that way. By doing that, he would be staying humble, and above reproach.

I personally disagree with the government giving tax deductions for charitable giving. That, too, is expecting something in return.
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I agree w/VCS... Giving in modest is humble. Giving and blogging for the whole world to read about it seems as though he's ooking for some sort of payback. I don't admire this at all.
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Why do people feel the need to judge and analyze? I enjoyed this story and am proud that there are people in the world that want to help others less fortunate. There is hope for this country.
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@Kelly- Why is giving only right when you expect nothing (not even a good feeling) in return? It seems to me that it is better that people feel good about giving, otherwise it would almost never happen. Also, if people only ever made each others' lives better at a detriment (if they never gained anything from giving they would actually be making themselves worse off) to their own, it would be a zero-sum game, and there would be a fixed level of misfortune in the world.

The great thing about people giving to each other and helping each other is that it enriches two lives at the same time, unlike many of our actions which further someone's interests at the expense of others'.
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