Hello Neatoramanauts!
Just wanted to let you all know that we've recently moved our servers. If you had trouble accessing the blog over the weekend, that was the cause (I've noticed that some DNS servers around the world are still pointing to our old servers, so hopefully this will resolve itself soon.)
Things should be working - but if you notice a bug, please let me know!
We've also been busy cookin' up more neat stuff your you, so in the meantime, please enjoy this new T-shirt design by Nathan Mazur of Scared of Bees (he's the super-awesome artist who designed the Neatokraken in the Neatorama Shop and the Neatoturtle below)
Polar Bears Are Soluble in Water - $14.95
Unfortunately, down here in France, we still get the gorgeous Neatokraken (Got loose - We'll be back soon) picture... Still some DNS that did not update correctly?
But do they stay crunchy in milk?