A Record Player Made from a Cardboard Box and a Pencil

The Vancouver-based sound studio Griffiths, Gibson and Ramsay Productions is using a clever advertising gimmick. The company's ad firm, Grey Canada, is mailing out cardboard boxes that can be used as record players. Just place the record on the peg, lower the needle, and spin the record with a pencil. The gadget then plays a recording of the children's story "A Town That Found Its Sound."

via Fast Company | Company Website | Photo: Ads of the World

"with this simple CardTalk record-player...."

Hope that disk isn't music, it sounds awful because it is just about impossible to keep that pencil rotating at a steady speed.
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I used to own a mini record which was connected to a card board sleeve which would open and had a metal tip which would rest on the record, and would play by doing a circular pattern with your finger against this plastic button.
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