Some of these stories will cause outrage or sadness, and some will make you cringe at how important the prom is for high school students. Then there are a few stories to warm your heart, like that of 84-year-old Kenneth Smith. Smith was called up to serve in World War II and didn't finish high school or attend the prom. The Chester High School class of 2008 invited Smith to their prom.
A friend arranged for him to receive an honorary diploma from Chester High School, just outside Philadelphia, and finally go to the prom. He did - at the Springfield Country Club. Smith said this prom wasn't just for him. He said it was also for all the other soldiers who couldn't make it to their own.
See all ten prom stories at Oddee.
Link -via Unique Daily
Name: Crimepack Exploit Kit (type 766)
gets in American media exported to other countries. i've seen a huge rise in popularity of it in UK & Ireland. It's still called "the Debs" in Ireland (short for débutante, I think) but it was never a huge deal. Nowadays, kids are hiring limos and expensive dresses to go.