Listverse has ten fascinating stories about animals saving the lives of humans. Four involve dogs, and surprisingly, three stories are about life-saving dolphins!
The heroes also include a cat, a calf, and a gorilla. Link -via Look At This
(image credit: Flickr user E-nat)
Davide Ceci was 14 years old and couldn’t swim when he fell out of his Fathers boat in south-east Italy; he was within minutes of death when dolphin Filippo came to his rescue. Filippo had been a popular tourist attraction off Manfredonia in south-east Italy for two years. While Emanuele Ceci was still unaware his son had fallen into the waves, Filippo was pushing him up out of the water to safety. The dolphin bore down on the boat and got close enough for Davide’s father to grab him.
The heroes also include a cat, a calf, and a gorilla. Link -via Look At This
(image credit: Flickr user E-nat)
Huh? The family owns a boat - they live by the water - and the 14 year old kid can't swim?
My six year old daughter who lives in the Mountains (at 6150ft to be exact) and can swim like a fish says "Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha".
Geesh Darwin, next time clear the area of buttinski sea mammals.