
The blog 2M40 is about one underpass in Paris that has a clearance of only two meters and forty centimeters. Many truck drivers either do not read, do not understand, or do not believe the clearance warning. Several times a month, the underpass wins the battle against these drivers and 2m40 posts the pictures. The blog is in French, but the pictures tell the story. The tagline is "Un blog impactant," which means "An impacting blog." Link -via the Presurfer

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Every now and then here in Chicago you'll see a semi jammed under an overpass. I've seen them before they get jammed trying to slowly inch their way by. I don't know why that would help, but it's what they do.
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Here in Boston Storrow Drive runs along the Charles River and has several low clearance bridges. When renting a truck in the area you are often asked to sign a contract stating you will not go on Storrow Drive. Even with the contracts and lots of signage this still happens from time to time.
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