Woman Gives Birth Three Hours After Learning That She Is Pregnant

Doctors told Belinda Waite of Bampton, UK that she had Irritable Bowel Syndrome. After she went into labor and three hours before her daughter was born, Waite was informed that she was instead pregnant:

Miss Waite was staying with her partner Wyane Boyles, 28, when she unexpectedly went into labour.

Their baby daughter Louise Boyles was born at home weighing 8lb 14oz by Wayne's mum Syliva.[...]

On February 6th - the night before Louise was born - Miss Waite again went to hospital with pains throughout her body.

At 10pm doctors confirmed she was three months pregnant - in fact she was nine months pregnant - and Louise arrived four and a half hours later at 2.30am.

Link | Photo: Nick Irving/Daily Telegraph

I’m thinking she is overweight, and that's what hid the pregnancy. I'm sure she was even asked if she had sex, and probably said no, then its case closed from there and the hospital can’t pry any further. It's not the first time that's happened.
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re: "Hooray for socialized medicine!" via Critical.

Your ignorance is painful.

This scenario is not that terribly uncommon and it happens most often right here (USA). Want to take a wild guess as to why?

Because we're the fattest, unhealthiest, least doctor checkup making industrialized nation on the planet.

Interestingly, things that might help that situation would be: Healthcare for all, national standards on preventative care and checkups, and an approach to healthcare costs where the largest benefit would be keeping everyone healthy (national) vs the approach where the largest benefit would be keeping everyone on drugs (private).
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I think it's a bit disturbing that someone of that age could be so ignorant regarding her own body. I know that sort of thing happens in the U.S. also. Nice to know that there's going to be another generation to press on with the fight.
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Sorry to venture into the anatomy part of this topic, but I still don't understand how if you are of ovulating age as this woman obviously was, how do you not notice your period has disappeared for 9 months? I understand that in some people you still have spotting each month when you are pregnant but no where near what you would have sans pregnancy. I get missing a month or two, but not 9!
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@gussie - many women have irregular cycles and some pregnant women may even have spottings. The weight issue seems to be one common factor: the extra adipose layer prevents them from feeling the kicks of the baby, and from showing pregancy.

@Johnny Cat - I c wat u did there ;)
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I'm sorry but only an obese woman would not notice being pregnant. a 5'5" 125lb woman is going to notice that she is carrying a child long before 9 1/2 months into her pregnancy.
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Disregarding all talks on healthcare and obesity, I can't help but think this isn't a bad way to do it. After all, if she didn't know she was pregnant, she avoided severe morning sickness. She also didn't have people randomly putting their hands on her belly or asking strings of questions.
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Ditto Alex.
Maybe she suffers from irregular cycles so never thought anything was going on when she never got a period. Or maybe she still spotted and thought it was her period.
Shame on those doctors though. It's like the first thing any doctor I've ever been to has wanted to do is for me to give a urine sample to see if I was pregnant.
Why that didn't happen with her though *shrugs*
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guess she thought she was finally cured of that bothersome bleeding she got every month... dumbass... My money is on ignorant fatass...
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My cousin did not know that she was pregnant. She was obese and re-....ummm...mentally challenged, and just did not know. She later died in her thirties of ovarian cancer and never questioned the pain and bleeding.
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I'm sorry, but what does "she was probably obese, stupid fatass" have to do with anything? Maybe she is!

How does that change anything? Finding out you're pregnant this close to birth is still unusual. It's not like Neatorama posts these stories because they don't have explanations.

Two of my dad's sisters were told when they were teenagers that they could never have children. Shortly after an adoption fell through, the older of them found out she was pregnant. With her second child, though, she didn't find out until she was six months along. She thought she was just getting fat and was cranky about it.

Doctors aren't always right, but that doesn't mean they're always wrong, either. I mean, no one is right all the time. Does that mean no one should trust you?

I also can't believe how many commenters take it as given that a woman's cycle is this hard and fast thing that happens every month no matter what to every woman. My own sister almost never has hers, but I do consistently.

So, I think I covered all the insanity here. Open and obvious fat hate, complete misunderstanding of women's bodies (probably has a lot to do with the fact that women learn to think of their periods as gross and private, and so never talk about them), and distrust of the medical establishment. Oh, right, socialism, bad. *eyeroll*
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That sounds really scary. That's not something you'd want to find out that late... you've had no time to prepare.

Anyway calling her fat is pretty pointless. I've also heard of cases where someone was on drugs and never gained weight during their pregnancy.

I also knew a girl who probably only gained like 5 lbs during 5 months and didn't realize she was pregnant and had been seeing a doctor for being sick the entire time and he didn't know either. She was pretty petite and had been working out the whole time so she maintained her weight without gaining until she was pretty far in.
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A woman, any woman, (as opposed to a young girl who might not have much info, yet) KNOWS she is pregnant. Whether she ADMITS it to herself is another story.

You cannot be 3 - 4 months pregnant and not feel the changes going on. Everything changes, from your appetite to your sleeping needs, to the way your clothes fit. And yes, your periods!

These women are women who have sex without contraception and just want to deny the consequences of their lifestyle as long as they can. It's all a bunch of twaddle, these stories about not knowing.
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Cola, thank you for your comments, I'm glad not everyone here has lost their head.

lulu, you are wrong. I think it's pretty reasonable for a woman to now know she's pregnant. I have never been pregnant and have no idea how it should or would make me feel. It's possible to have symptoms (nausea, sore breasts, etc) to other illnesses that that could be seen as symptoms of pregnancy. But they are not, and so if once they were actually signs of pregnancy I think it's reasonable that a woman would think it is connected to another illness rather than assuming it's a pregnancy.

Lastly, just because this woman didn't know she was pregnant does not mean she wasn't using contraception, you are aware that contraceptives are not 100% reliable, right? I bet she was using contraceptives and that is why she never considered that she was pregnant.
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Yay Cola :D It really is pretty sad to see so much fat-hate.
Not ok to joke about someone's race (for good reason), but still perfectly fine to make fun of people on their weight.

And to further prove that contraception doesn't always work. My cousin conceived 2 of her children while she was still on birth control.

Could she have been in denial about it? Sure. I mean she did admit that it felt like something was moving around, so many pregnant was in the back of her mind. Who knows.
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Hmmmm....is it fat "hate" or fat "disgust"? People are born a certain race, or gay, or tall or short, but fatness is a choice. A choice that in today's society is seen as repulsive, disgraceful, and a whole host of other pejoratives.

I know of several attractive college women who ended up with a fat mate, perhaps because the man was a lawyer or a doctor. But how many men marry the obese unless they are desperate? Are women less shallow than men? Or do men have a different evolutionary psychology that is largely visual, but also influenced by society's norms of the moment?
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LisaL Joking about someone's race, and joking about someone being an out of control lard ass are two different things. Get real. Is it safe to assume you are fat? If so, did you get that way by paying attention to what you eat and where you get it? (As well as how much of it you shove down your cake hole) Come on, it's simple math; eat less, lose weight. Eat better food, feel better about yourself so you can control yourself. Don't make it about hating fatties, and for sure, don't make it about race.
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I'm not sure of the details of this, but I can entirely see how this could happen, especially to someone who's never been pregnant before that has irregular periods (for whatever reason). Men: One of the things that happens before your uterus attempts to shed its lining is your body prepares itself for pregnancy (sore breasts, etc.) just in case. If your irregular, often you will get these symptoms, but the period comes much later or is very "spotty". Leading to one to think they're pregnant, and then they take tests, and then they turn out negative, and it's a very draining process that some "irregualar" women get tired of and give up on, assuming it's their norm. Every woman is different is all I'm saying, and understanding what anything really FEELS like, until you've felt it, is difficult.
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BM... wow.. so I guess eating bad and not exercising are the only ways to get fat.
Yes, I am fat and I'm this way b/c I've had a thyroid problem (hypothyroidism if you want to look it up), and PCOS, both of which don't exactly help with weight.
Thanks a bunch for assuming that every fat person is some lazy blob that eats everything bad in sight.
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My brother did not know . She was obese and re-....ummm...mentally challenged, and just did not know. She later died in her thirties of ovarian cancer and never questioned the pain and bleeding.
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Right, sadtomato. YOU have never been pregnant, so you KNOW I am wrong. LOL

It's amazing. Well, I HAVE been pregnant and I can assure you that no matter how ignorant you think you are, you KNOW something is up. It's not just about the periods, for heaven's sake. You can FEEL the changes in many ways.

Good try, though, with your hopelessly backwards logic. LOL
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I'm sorry, but having gone through two pregnancies I can assure you there are about 100 different signs/changes in your body. If this lady couldn't pick up on any of them to give her an inkling that she was pregnant then she needs her intelligence tested.

Anyone that thinks you can easily make it through 9 months without knowing - you are as stupid as this woman. I don't care if you are morbidly obese... there are so many things that happen to your body that it is impossible not to notice. Girls who don't know they are pregnant are just stupid.
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It makes me very sad that there are so many comments on here meant to provoke anger, hurt feelings, perpetuate harsh judgements and on some sick level validate a need to be right.

True there are a number of things that could have happened to show her and others like her that a pregnancy is happening. There are equally as many thing that present to say that a pregnancy is not the cause of the symptoms.

NONE OF US have the authority to create a judgment on her or on anyone else.

Yes I agree that there is an issue with nutrition and exersize EVERY WHERE in the world. Being hurtful is not tough love, it is plain out ABUSE. Just because it was done to you and you turned out "ok" does not excuse this disgraceful practice of hate.

I personally wish her, her baby, all that she loves, and yes even those of you who use hurtful words, finds loving support and health.

Who cares how it happened, its in the past, it happened, its done, move on!
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