Archive for March 8th, 2010

Hookah Case Mod

Instructables user kirkfrog made YaHookah! -- the computer that you can smoke. It's an old CPU box turned into a functional hookah. The tank is acrylic, and the bubbles are provided by an aquarium air pump. DIY in...

Can You Identify LEGO Minifigs By How They Feel In Your Mouth?

(YouTube Link) If not, then you're just not as talented as this teenager. Sophia Heesch claimed to be able to identify eighty Star Wars minifigs is this manner, and this German language video demonstrates...

Awesome DIY Mario Furniture

Neatoramanaut Dennis wrote to us about the set of furniture that his girlfriend (who is studying mechanical engineering in Germany and is apparently very, very handy) made for their apartment:[Everything was] created...

Coffee-Fueled Car

The Carpuccino, built by the team at the BBC science show Bang Goes the Theory, runs on coffee grounds. These are burned and the resulting carbon monoxide powers the car: The team calculates the Carpucci...

The Lost Cure for Scurvy

We know that scurvy is a disease caused by lack of vitamin C. In the Middle Ages, ship captains knew that fresh fruit, particularly citrus, would fend off scurvy, which had been the scourge of long sea voyages. Scottish...

A Tablecloth That Reveals Images When You Spill Liquids On It

Underfull is a prototype tablecloth design by Kristine Bjaadal. It has a hidden butterfly pattern that is revealed only when it is stained. Bjaadal writes: This creates stories and can contribute in giving t...

Stop-Motion Animation with Doritos

(YouTube Link) This video, entitled "Annihilation", shows stop-motion animation using Doritos chips. Its provenance is a mystery to me, but I suspect that it's viral advertising. via Urlesquestopmotion, doritos...

The Pop Culture Spelling Bee

The spelling challenges in today's Lunchtime Quiz at mental_floss will not be found in your local school bee! However, if you are really familiar with American TV and movies, you should do well. Luckily, it's a multiple-...

A Little Something Extra

The unnamed artist, a friend of a reddit member, buys thrift shop art and adds silly details. I have just the place in my home for a painting like this! You'll find links to other paintings in the comments at reddit. Lin...

A Lava Lamp on Jupiter

(YouTube link) Neil Fraser wondered if a lava lamp would still work in the higher gravity environment of Jupiter. How such a question ever occurs to anyone is a matter of wonder in itself, but Fraser went ahead and bu...

The Strange Tale of Phineas Gage

The following is an article from Uncle John's Bathroom Reader Plunges into the Universe. Cabinet-card portrait of Phineas Gage, shown holding the tamping iron which injured him. From the Gage family of Texas...

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