Archive for March 6th, 2010

The Streets of San Francisco in 1905/06

[youtube=] YouTube link. "In 1905, an unknown cameraman filmed a streetcar trip along San Francisco's Market Street. The following year, the Great Earthquake struck, and he f...

Furry Chandelier

This glass chandelier -- which looks to me like a big ball of fur -- was made by glass artist Robert Kaindl. At the link, you can see some simply amazing glasswork. Link via Gizmodo chandelier, glass, Robert Kain...

Scientific Cookies

The blog Not So Humble Pie has a roundup of science-themed cookies. Among them is a picture of the cellular mitosis cookies (above) made by the blogger behind Reflections of a Science Teacher. Oth...

What to Wear on Pi Day

Mmm ... Pi T-Shirt from the Neatorama Shop.Pi Day (3/14 for us Yanks) is next Monday Sunday, so here's a gentle reminder for what to wear, Mmm ... Pi T-shirt, designed by the incomparable Nathan Mazur (the same talented...

Curiouser and Curiouser... Alice in Wonderland Trivia

With the new Alice in Wonderland making its debut recently, I thought it would be appropriate to revisit one of the old ones. It’s not the original - Alice has been made many, many times - but the Di...

The Research Blogging Awards, 2010 is a website whose mission is to "identify serious academic blog posts about peer-reviewed research with an aggregation site where others can look to find the best academic blogging on the Net." O...

Hunting Mammoths in Siberia

Gradual melting of the Siberian permafrost has changed mammoth carcass recoveries from occasional incidents to a full-time industry.  The Los Angeles Times reports that hundreds of tons of bones are now being discov...

Gorillaman Trips Up Fleeing Suspect

You never know when you will be called upon to act the hero. For Andy Ingham of Canterbury, England, that time came as he was dressed as a gorilla! Ingham was promoting his gym business by handing out free passes and ban...

Baby Bunny Eats a Flower

(YouTube link) Om nom nom! This wild bunny lives only temporarily at a Animal Advocates wildlife rehabilitation center in Los Angeles. It will be released back to nature when it's old enough. Don't miss the washing...

Auschwitz Then and Now

Some of the prisoners liberated from Auschwitz in 1945 recreated the scenes of their lives there in art. An online exhibit places those artworks side-by-side with photographs of Auchwitz taken many years later. In...

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