A British military pilot managed to get twenty passengers to the ground despite a bullet between his eyes. Flight Lieutenant Ian Fortune was ferrying the wounded from a battle between American troops and the Taliban in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. As he was taking off with a full load of casualties, a bullet ricocheted through the helicopter and struck Fortune in the face.
Lt. Fortune is expected to recover from his injuries. http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/Chinoook-Pilot-Shot-Between-The-Eyes-Manages-To-Fly-Casualties-To-Safety-Ian-Fortune-Afghanistan/Article/201003115567655?lpos=World_News_News_Your_Way_Region_8&lid=NewsYourWay_ARTICLE_15567655_Chinoook_Pilot_Shot_Between_The_Eyes_Manages_To_Fly_Casualties_To_Safety%3A_Ian_Fortune_Afghanistan -via Fark
Further rounds then struck the helicopter's automatic stabilisation system, shutting it down and making it extremely difficult to fly.
Despite blood streaming into his eyes, Flight Lt Fortune battled with the controls for eight minutes and managed to get the casualties back to Camp Bastion.
TV Presenter Mike Brewer was on the helicopter when the incident happened. He told Sky News:
"It was terrifying. We came under fire just as the ramp was closing. Then just after we'd taken off the Chinook suddenly lurched from side to side and we heard the pilot had been shot.
"The only reason we didn't plunge straight back into the desert was because of the sheer bravery and skill of Ian and the rest of the crew. They're all heroes."
Lt. Fortune is expected to recover from his injuries. http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/Chinoook-Pilot-Shot-Between-The-Eyes-Manages-To-Fly-Casualties-To-Safety-Ian-Fortune-Afghanistan/Article/201003115567655?lpos=World_News_News_Your_Way_Region_8&lid=NewsYourWay_ARTICLE_15567655_Chinoook_Pilot_Shot_Between_The_Eyes_Manages_To_Fly_Casualties_To_Safety%3A_Ian_Fortune_Afghanistan -via Fark
That's all.
And that pilot hase done his part for the rest of his life- After such a feat, he can retire for his next severeal lives...
Respect. Deep respect.