Sounds Like The Life Of Brilliant Man: Neat Facts About Alexander Graham Bell

Wednesday would have marked the 163rd birthday of Alexander Graham Bell, were he still alive. While his invention of the telephone has always been subject to controversy, there is no denying that the man was quite a genius. To celebrate the life of this great inventor, let’s take this opportunity to get to know Mr. Bell a little better.

He Wasn’t Always Alexander Graham Bell

At first, he was just Alexander Bell. When he turned ten though, he begged his parents to give him a middle name like they had given to each of his brothers. It wasn’t until his 11th birthday that the famous “Graham” was added to his name. His father chose the name in honor of a family friend, Alexander Graham, who had boarded with the family.

Of course, his family continued to just call him “Aleck” throughout his life. When he was married to his wife (seen with him in the above image) though, she insisted that he begin calling himself “Alec” and from that point on, he started signing his name as “Alec Bell.”

He Was Born Into His Line Of Work

Alexander’s entire family was tied in with the fields of elocution and speech. His father and grandfather (both of whom were also named Alexander Bell) worked in the field before Alec was born, and his brother also started working in the science. Additionally, both his mother and wife were deaf, which gave him even more reason to be dedicated to easing systems of communication. Even as a kid, Bell was fascinated with sound and he taught himself both ventriloquism and piano without any training.

Aleck Started Inventing Young

He finished his first invention, a dehusking device for a flour mill, when he was only 12. When his best friend, Ben Herdman, told him about the laborious process of dehusking at his parent’s flour mill, Bell quickly threw together a machine that combined rotating paddles with nail brushes. The mill used the machine for years to come and the boy’s father was so impressed that he gave the two boys complete access to a workshop in the mill so they could continue to work on inventions.

Despite His Brilliance, He Wasn’t Big On School

When Bell entered the Royal High School, he was known for having bad grades and a history of absenteeism. He excelled at science, but remained indifferent to all other courses. Eventually, he dropped out at only 15 and then moved to London, where he lived with his grandfather, who was able to finally get Bell interested in learning. It paid off too. Before he invented the phone, Bell was a teacher. He used his father’s teaching system to educate deaf students. One of his most famous students was Hellen Keller, who once said that Bell had dedicated his life to breaking through the “inhuman silence which separates and estranges.” Later in his life, he earned a series of honorary degrees from quite a few colleges, including Harvard, Dartmouth, the University of Edinburg in Scotland, the University of Würzburg in Bavaria and more.

The Road to Creation

Bell’s first work with what would later result in the invention of the telephone started when he was hired, along with Elisha Gray, to help find a way to send multiple telegraph messages along the same line. A few years later, he approached the director of the Smithsonian Institute, Joseph Henry, for his advice on an apparatus that would enable the human voice to travel via telegraph. Bell said he was worried he didn’t have the right knowledge to do it though and Henry inspired him by merely replying, “get it!”

Bell May Not Actually Be The Inventor of the Telephone

At the same time that Bell was working on his idea, the other man hired, on the telegraph project Elisha Gray (seen at left) had also been inspired to find a way to transmit speech through the telegraph. He filed a design for an acoustic telegraph that sent vocal transmissions through water the same day that Bell’s lawyer filed a patent for his telephone device. Aleck hadn’t actually gotten his phone working before he filed his patent. Three days after he was issued the patent, he used a liquid transmitter --just like the one Gray had designed, to get the device to work. He only used the water design as part of an experiment and never used the liquid transmitter in his demonstrations or commercial products, but he is still, to this day, accused of stealing the phone from Gray.

A man that worked at the patent office later swore in an affidavit that he had shown Gray’s patent to Bell’s attorney in an effort to pay off part of the debt he owed him. He also claimed that he showed the patent to Bell a few days later and that he was given $100 in return. While Alexander admitted that he learned some of the technical details from Gray’s patent, he swore that he had never paid the patent office employee, Zenas Fisk Wilber, any money.

Bad Business Calls

After Bell finished his work on the telephone, he offered to sell the patent for the device to Western Union for $100,000. The president of the company refused, claiming that the telephone was nothing more than a toy. Two years later, he changed his mind, saying he would consider it a bargain if he could buy the patent for $25 million. Of course, by that point, the Bell Telephone Company was not interested in selling the patent.

Continued Invention Theft Accusations

Throughout the years, the Bell company continued to make improvements on the telephone, even buying Edison’s carbon microphone in 1879. Unfortunately, quite a few inventors had started to work on improving the phone by this point and in only 18 years, the company had to fight over 600 lawsuits over legal rights to the patent. Fortunately, the fact that Alec had been working on sound and speech for his entire life gave him the credibility he needed to fight the lawsuits. Even so, the government moved to annul his patent on grounds of fraud and misrepresentation in 1887, but the Supreme Court ruled in the company’s favor and many other suits were dropped as a result. Through this entire period, the Bell company never lost a case, but the strain put on Alexander from all these court appearances eventually cause him to resign from the company.

His Work Didn’t Stop With The Telephone

While his most famous invention was the phone, Bell continued to invent throughout his life. He worked on optical telecommunications, hydrofoil planes and aeronautics. In 1880, he created the photophone, which he considered to be his most important invention. This creation would allow sound to pass through a beam of light and was the first wireless phone technology ever created. By the time he died, he had thirty patents. He had one patent for the phonograph, nine for transportation devices and two for selenium cells. He also invented a metal jacket that was supposed to help with breathing problems, a meter to detect hearing problems, a device to locate icebergs and more. He invented the first metal detectors, which he used in an attempt to uncover the bullet in President Garfield’s body. Although it worked perfectly in lab tests, it could not help doctors find the bullet, but that was partially because the president was laying on a bed with a metal frame and metal springs that disturbed the instrument and the surgeons refused to move him to a new location.

He Considered His Greatest Invention An Intrusion On His Work

While the telephone was Bell’s best known contribution to society, he considered his real work to be as a scientist and he refused to have a telephone in his study for fear it would intrude on his work.

He Was Far Ahead of His Time

At one point in his career, Bell and his team had considered the idea of pressing a magnetic field onto a record as a way to reproduce sound. While they couldn’t get their idea to work, this same concept was the basic idea behind tapes, hard discs, floppy discs and other media that were invented almost a century later. Also impressive was Bell’s environmentally-friendly inventions that were developed long before anyone had ever considered the idea of global warming. He worried about the effects of methane gas on the environment and experimented with composting toilets and devices that would capture water from the atmosphere. In an interview shortly before his death, he even mentioned the idea of using solar panels to heat houses.

The End of A Legend

Alexander Graham Bell died in August of 1922. Every phone in North America was said to be silenced during his funeral in his honor. Sources:, Idea Finder,, The Franklin Institute, American Heritage and

Comments (25)

That was interesting. I didn't know that "Every phone in North America was said to be silenced during his funeral in his honor." I hope that the phone rang non-stop during the funeral for the guy who invented telemarketing.
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At around the same time Bell came up with the phone, others were trying the same thing and were on a similar invention level. There was a man in Australia, another in Britain, it's possible that more than a few like minded inventors were ready to come out with a phone-like device. He still gets credit for it though.
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You forgot to add that he was a huge on eugenics, and thought that the deaf were imperfect humans unfit to procreate. He was also one of the bigger proponents of oralist education for deaf children, and worked to forbid deaf children from learning how to use sign language.
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Jill, he didn't want deaf people to have kids with other deaf people, as for why he married his wife I don't know.

It is well documented that he was a proponent of eugenics, you can google it if you like. We aren't making it up.
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I know it's not made up, but it is exaggerated to say that he didn't want deaf people to have kids. Obviously, he was ok with deaf people having kids or else he wouldn't have had kids.
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Not one mention of the first long-distance phone call... Brantford to Paris Ontario! His home in Brantford is still preserved as the Bell Homestead. We're the Telephone city and hometown of Wayne Gretzky... You can thank us for both of those any time now :)
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Deafness did not have the cultural attachments and experiences of today when Bell lived. It was common at the time for people to believe that deaf people shouldn't have children. The medical community and society also believed that epileptics should also not have children, and were mentally ill. There is no proof he did not want deaf people to have children. He was the child of a deaf woman. He did more for deaf people in modern times than anyone else. He did believe that deafness could be cured, which is an entirely different thing.

I don't think it's fair to put down his achievements because of a common belief at the time. Especially since this belief still continues today. Isn't the controversy surrounding cochlear implants the same type of situation? Many Deaf people believe this is destroying Deaf culture.

His ideas most certainly did not influence Hitler, that's ridiculous. Eugenics in one form or another has been around for eons. Look at segregation and slavery in the states. Same deal.

During that time EVERYONE was a proponent of Eugenics in some form or another. Look at the class system in England, segregation in the states, caste system in India.
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Joufy, one of the reasons deafness gained the stigma it did was BECAUSE of Bell. He was one of the reasons they became increasingly seen as an 'ethnicity' that would not integrate into American society (for having e.g. their own newspapers, churches, language), and he contributed a good bit to the idea of signed languages being inferior imitations of actual, human language. As for him "doing more for deaf people in modern times than anyone else," you're seriously putting him ahead of people like Laurent Clerc and Thomas Gallaudet, who provided a standardized signed language for deaf children to learn, or William Stokoe, who conclusively proved that signed languages are just as legitimate and complex as spoken languages?

Jill, you can't paint the history of a man a little cleaner than it should've been and not have people call you out on it.
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I heard that Bell tried hard to build a spirits or ghosts communication device that finally decline to its telephone basics design. Someone have more on this? Tx.
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Eugenics seems quite logical to those who look upon human beings as just more things that can be experimented on, 'fixed' or eliminated if they seem to be 'faulty.'
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I wasn't around then but I wouldn't be surprised, however, to find those negative tales about him are nothing more than revisionist history by leftist loons. They love tearing down those that made the U.S. what it is today. They are masters at it.

That being said I would like to point out something about him that for some reason usually gets forgotten. He was very interested in manned flight and did experiments with kites and other "machines". This was up in Nova Scotia Canada around the same time the Wrights were experimenting. I have a typed letter signed by Alexander Graham Bell to my Great Uncle, Winfield Scott Clime. In the letter he asked if Clime could journey to Nova Scotia for a fortnight and take photographs of his work. He wasn't happy with the photographs he was getting. He mentioned the photos Clime took of the Wright "machines". Unfortunately I do not know if my Great Uncle went or not.

@Joufy - Well said.
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im learning about bell and all that at school and its cool so im goin on websites cos i have to write a project and it has to have about 10 pages so plz put more facts up thx lots guys
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Though everyone is raging about his belief in eugenics and saying that Hitler was also a proponent of said belief, the main difference is that Bell's argument was for more humanitarian purposes, if you will. He reasoned that if people with a hereditary history of deafness didn't pass on those traits, we would eventually be able to breed congenital deafness out of society. He likely viewed deafness as more or less a kind of suffering, since a large amount of his life revolved around the deaf.

On the other hand, Hitler's motivation was not a concern for people with disabilities, more of a racial-hatred-motivated one.
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