Gummi Bear Chandelier, Reinvented

If you've been reading Neatorama long enough you will recall a previous Gummi Bear chandelier, which had an elegant, fin de siecle feel, but I think this one is more exuberant and comtemporary. Made by Jellio of 5,000 hand-strung gummi bears (they're acrylic and not edible, alas, but thus won't melt on your head while you're reading), the Candelier takes two months to construct, and only ten will be offered for sale.  Added plus: it's lit by a 50 watt CFL, so you won't have to change the bulb that often. Link: Swiss Miss via Fast Company

Colourful and charming! I suppose it would be an excellent conversation piece, but I'm kind of opposed to limited-run, prohibitively expensive items like this. Maybe it's just my simmering class resentment, but even as an artist, I'm just not a fan of only making your work available to an elite class of people.

I understand personal works presented as gifts to important people. That's entirely different.
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You would die of a bowel impaction if you ate that thing.

Here is another one. I think that it is prettier:
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