Archive for March 2nd, 2010

Miscast Classic Films

Miscast Classic Films (Video Link) Al Pacino as Han Solo? John Travolta as Forrest Gump? Animator Dan Meth presents clips from classic movies, if actors once considered for important roles had been selected.Star Wa...

Classic Video Games Featuring Superheroes

io9 has a gallery of 1988-2000 arcade games like Superman, Spiderman, and more. The only one I remember is the 1992 X-Men 6-player monster machine. If you were sentient during the early 1990s, chances are y...

Convicted and Escaped Murderer Caught after Drunk Driving in Police Station Parking Lot

A fugitive after being sentenced to death in Belgium 22 years ago (since commuted to life in prison, after the abolition of the death penalty), Jean-Claude Demey was finally caught: But he is now back behind bars...

Four Radical Cures on the Frontiers of Medicine

Popular Science has an article describing medical treatments for four diseases that could be available to the general public in a few years. One is an effort to reverse autism: While studying mice, h...

Man Arrested for Snorting Drugs off Police Car

To be fair, the unnamed man in Nuremberg, Germany didn't know that it was a police vehicle: The 26-year-old was lining up the powdered drugs on the roof of the car in a disco car park, when the two police officers...

Norway's New Luxury Prison

Would you like to get away from the stresses of the daily life for the next five to ten years? Then Norway's new Halden prison/spa is for you! [...]every cell comes with a private bathroom and a flat-screen T...

Titanic vs. Lusitania: Who Survived and Why?

Both the Titanic and the Lusitania sank, and both lacked enough life boats to shelter everyone on board. But even though the Lusitania sank in 18 minutes and the Titanic sank in 2 hou...

Geekerati interview with TBBT's David Goetsch

In honor of our Big Bang Theory contest tonight, here's an awesome interview from Geekerati ( with one of the show's writers, David Goetsch. (There's a really awful ad you have to sit through, but event...

Nerd Merit Badges

This merit badge for nerds is Inbox Zero, and requires an empty inbox 71.4% of the time.  Other available badges include Family Tech Support, Being Boinged, Spelling Homonyms, and more. 1.5", fully embroidered, Vel...

Chilean Earthquake Shifted Earth's Poles

The 8.8 magnitude earthquake in Chile apparently had some profound effects on this giant spinning rock we live on. NASA calculated that the figure axis, along which Earth's mass is balanced, shifted by about eight cent...

A "Rain of Fish" in Australia

Lajamanu, a small community in the Northern Territory of Australia, has experienced a "rain of fishes."  Hundreds of spangled perch, some frozen, some still  alive, fell from the sky onto the desert community. Rains...

Wasps Grow Their Own Antibiotics

German researchers studying wasps known as beewolves (Philanthus triangulum) find they have a symbiotic relationship with the bacteria Streptomyces. The bacteria produce nine different antibiotics that...

Dialog with a Sleepy Cat

(YouTube link) I don't understand much Japanese, but part of this conversation is in cat language. -via ArbroathCat, japan, language...

Lego - The Force Unleashed

With people creating action scenes like this with toys and a computer, maybe Hollywood can go back to making movies with great acting and dialog. This light saber battle is a creation of Fancy Pants Productions. Link (em...

This Too Shall Pass (RGM version)

(YouTube link) Sure, you liked OK Go's first video for the song "This Too Shall Pass", but you'll love this Rube Goldberg production as well! This official video for the recorded version was directed by James Frost, O...

The Most Reproduced Work of Art in the World

The world's first adhesive postage stamps were issued by Great Britain in 1840, with the issuance of the "Penny Black" depicting Queen Victoria.  Thus began the convention of designating British stamps by the depict...

Gummi Bear Chandelier, Reinvented

If you've been reading Neatorama long enough you will recall a previous Gummi Bear chandelier, which had an elegant, fin de siecle feel, but I think this one is more exuberant and comtemporary. Made by Jellio of 5,000 ha...

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