Cat Lift

You know how people help their cats to reach upper floors by installing cat ladders? Those can't hold a candle to this cat-operated automatic feline elevator! Link (embedded video)

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I haven't owned many cats but every one would have freaked out when the box started moving and would probably have tried to get back out the door. Does the door lock while it's in motion? How do you train a cat not to jump out while it's moving? Granted most cats won't be harmed by jumping or falling from 10 feet but still.
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Our old cat can barely make it onto the back of the sofa, these days. She's not suffering, but at an estimaged 22 years this spring she's not what you'd call sprightly.
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Yeah, that's great until Neighbor Cat decides to take a nap on the landing pad. *Squish*

Any self-respecting cat would ride on the top of that elevator.
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