This week's collaboration with the What is it? Blog brings us this sinister looking contraption. Can you guess what it is for?
First correct guess and the funniest but incorrect guess will win Neatorama T-shirt of their choice. Place your guesses in the comment section - one guess per comment, please - though you can enter as many as you'd like. Please write your T-shirt selection along with your guess (visit the Neatorama Shop to see what you'd like, mmkay?)
You have until the answer is revealed at the What is it? Blog. Post no URL or weblinks - doing so will forfeit your entry.
For more clues, check out the What is it? Blog. Good luck!
Update 2/26/10 - the answer is: A trap for animals, it has two barrels for firing projectiles and two barbs on the end for holding the animal fast, patent number 17,279. No one got it exactly right, but congrats to Beatriz for the "Go Go Gadget Arm" entry that made me chuckle :). Since she didn't include a t-shirt selection, I'll send one at random :)
Comments (38)
It appears to be a door bell for the deaf...with that thought in your heads you can figure out how it works and why it didn't get far...
And sex toy.