Symphony of Science V: "The Poetry of Reality"

(YouTube Link)

We've previously featured the first video in John Boswell's Symphony of Science autotuned music project. This video, the fifth and latest in the series, features Michael Shermer, Jacob Bronowski, Carl Sagan, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Richard Dawkins, Jill Tarter, Lawrence Krauss, Richard Feynman, Brian Greene, Stephen Hawking, Carolyn Porco, and PZ Meyers. via Geekologie | Official Website

Yeah science is has given us the atomic bomb, biological warfare, increasingly deadly means of war. It's great isn't it.

Darwin's theories gave rise to the Nazi social engineering through selective breeding and not to mention Joseph Mengele's awesome enforced human experiments on concentration camp prisoners, all in the name of science of course. Just wonderful.

Don't get me wrong, I am not anti science but I am anti the notion that science is 'all' good and can only be beneficial. It is just a tool and as such it is how man uses the tool that defines it's worth.

Put it this way, you could easily make a similar but opposing video with images and quotes of how horrific science has been to prove that science is only 'evil.
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@poppajay - It's Panglossian. When a government or industry gets their hands on the fruits of scientific labor and destroys the population of Nagasaki we don't call that science. We call it politics or social meddling. But when a government or industry gets their hands on the fruits of scientific labor and destroys the poliovirus, the whole social/political mechanism conceptually dissolves and we happily credit science.

So from the perspective of the scientistic individual, your critique will sound off-topic. You may expect as much success as the anti-cleric who points out the multitude of unfortunate consequences of religion - whose advocates have this Panglossian asymmetry rehearsed to near perfection.
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