Kelly Kulick is a 33-year-old professional bowler who won the Professional Bowler's Association Women's World Championship. A new PBA rule allowed her to qualify for the men's tournaments. She entered arguably the most prestigious event - the Tournament of Champions - and beat 62 of the best male bowlers, defeating the world's #1 ranked bowler in the final match 265-195.
When Billy Jean King beat a mediocre Bobby Riggs, the world press covered the event. Auto racing's Danica Patrick and golf's Michelle Wie are household names. In a column at ESPN The Magazine, sportswriter Rick Reilly asks why Kelly Kulick's accomplishment is not receiving more publicity. Photo: Mark Peterson for ESPN Magazine.
When Billy Jean King beat a mediocre Bobby Riggs, the world press covered the event. Auto racing's Danica Patrick and golf's Michelle Wie are household names. In a column at ESPN The Magazine, sportswriter Rick Reilly asks why Kelly Kulick's accomplishment is not receiving more publicity. Photo: Mark Peterson for ESPN Magazine.
Comments (20)
Bowling is not a sport, it's an impressive skill but not a sport.
Yes but the best desired outcome is far easier in bowling. I can't count the number of strikes I've gotten in bowling, but I can count the number of hole-in-ones I've gotten, zero. The only fair analogy would be if golf was designed around the hole-in-one, which it isn't. Plus you have to include weather. Golf strategy is uncountably more complicated than bowling strategy.
Any goof can roll a ball and get a "perfect" bowling outcome, it takes something more to get a hole-in-one or even under par.