This clever "Disappearing Civil Liberties" mug features the complete text of the Bill of Rights that disappear (thanks to the Patriot Act) as you add hot beverage. From the Neatorama Shop: Link
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This clever "Disappearing Civil Liberties" mug features the complete text of the Bill of Rights that disappear (thanks to the Patriot Act) as you add hot beverage. From the Neatorama Shop: Link
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Comments (15)
2nd: Gauldar, the 2nd amendment is vital when all else fails; then at least you can fight. This is true from the personal scale all the way up to the national and international. Self defense is obviously as much and as necessary a right as free speech - and the one without which all others can be removed with impunity. Have you forgotten? It's also the one that secured us the others to begin with.
It's highly perverse that, much as they may not like the 2nd amendment, the makers of this mug went so far as to omit it. That is the kind of thinking that can subdue all our inalienable rights, and the very kind they made this mug to protest. I would add only that there are three ways to have a revolution: the Thomas Jefferson Way, the Gandhi Way and the Subversive way. You can't force the Gandhi way on people - it must be by choice, and only armed people can have such choice.
Sounds more like a false sense of security, but if the symbolism makes you happy, all the power to ya. People have fought and won wars with less available. I see it on the mug too, on the left side. Are you disappointed that it's not one of the ones that disappears when hot liquid is poured in the mug?
are your phones bugged? is your mail being opened? do you no longer have the right to speak freely here?
plz, get over all your ''me me'' needs and think about, for a change, what a government has to do to try and protect its people, will ya? what would you do if you were responsible for 300 million people? huh?
be honest.
Just because some of us twitter every time we go to the bathroom, doesn't mean ALL of us do! I, for one, don't, and I'm also concerned about my privacy.
Just because you don't value your right to privacy doesn't mean that I should lose my right to privacy!