Hero Dog Protects Lost Girl

3-year-old Victoria Bensch wandered away from her home in Cordes Lakes, Arizona last Thursday. She was missing in the nearby mountains overnight while the temperature dipped down to 30 degrees. Fifteen hours later, she was spotted in a dry creek bad by a helicopter pilot. Victoria was accompanied by her dog, Blue. Pilot Matthew Uhl and medic Eric Tarr, who rescued Victoria, believe Blue kept the child warm and safe from predators.
The dog was protective of the child when they first approached, but when the girl smiled, the dog relaxed.

"I think once the dog realized we were there to help them out, he was very excited," Uhl said.

"He ran around while the medic tended to the little girl, and when it was time to go, he jumped right into the helicopter and was ready to go."

Victoria was taken to a hospital for frostbite treatment and was found to be healthy. Link -via Arbroath

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