Archive for February 20th, 2010

10 Animals with the Longest Lifespans

Mother Nature Network has a photo gallery of ten animals with very long lifespans, including the red sea urchin: The red sea urchin or Strongylocentrotus franciscanus is found only in the Pacific Ocean, primar...

Ninja Skirt Transforms User Into a Coke Machine

It looks like a Coke machine, right? It's not. This is a picture of a woman wearing a special dress. Designer Aya Tsukioka's made this dress for women who fear being attacked in public places: By unfolding the...

Sink the Bismark! Germany and Britain in Fierce Competition for World's Strongest Beer

We've previously mentioned the fine work of the Scottish brewery BrewDog, which sells the world's strongest beer at 32% alcohol content. The German brewery Schorschbrau responded by releasing Schorschbock, which is...

The Chewing Dead

National Geographic shows us a 330-year-old book that describes the fear of what we would call zombies or vampires. De Masticatione Mortuorum, Latin for "The Chewing Dead", discusses the customs of the time for...

Thriller Finger Dance

Those who can dance, those who can't ... finger dance! Behold Michael Jackson's Thriller finger-danced. Complete with hand costumes, of course. Hit play or go to Link [YouTube]thriller, finger dance, Michael Jackson...

Epic Koala Fight

While the web is buzzin' with the Epic Beard Man's fight on an Oakland bus, (which is unshowable on Neatorama for obvious reasons if you've ever seen it), I prefer this one: when koalas fight, as seen on Robert Gale's A...

Coffee Splash!

Photo: *Cencula* [Flickr]When Siebe Warmoeskerken of VTPN (Flickr user siebe) started taking photos of cookies splashing into a cup of coffee, little did he know that he was about to spark a little Flickr meme. Behold th...

Where Does Your Taco Come From?

The next time you munch on a taco, ponder this: Where does it come from? (And "the kitchen" or "Taco Bell" instantly pop up in your thoughts, stop reading here).Landscape architect David Fletcher team...

God is Dead ... but Yearbook Censorship Is Alive and Well

Arlington High School junior and debate club president Justin Surber likes to wear his black T-shirt featuring Friedrich Nietzche's famous words "God is Dead." He wears it to provoke debate, he says, believing...

The World's Strangest Married Couple

True love, as J. Tithonus Pednaud of The Human Marvels blog said, knows no bound. Here's the story Al and Jeanie Tomaini, The World's Strangest Married Couple:He was shy, gentle and sweet inside and out – from...

Fat Birds Have More Sex

Researcher Wolfgang Goymann and colleagues were studying the migrations of the garden warblers (Sylvia borin) when they discovered an interesting nugget of information: While pockets of flab accumulated over...

OMG Laser Guns Pew Pew Pew

If you like Babies With Laser Eyes (via Boing Boing), you'll like OMG Laser Guns Pew Pew Pew. Or not.squirrel, laser gun, pew pew pew...

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