Mr. Blobby, the Most Fearful Fish Ever


Photo: K. Parkinson/Australian Museum

Back in 2006, we blogged about Mr. Blobby, the ugliest fish ever. Who knew that many years later the same fish caught the attention of mass media. Chicago Tribune columnist John Kass writes why we should all be fearful of Mr. Blobby:

As you can see from the accompanying photograph, the cunning blobfish (Psychrolutes marcidus) is the most terrifying fish in the world. And if you're not afraid of it yet, you should be, because there's always something lurking out there that can get you.

Its hideously deformed body is quite boneless, a gelatinous orb hovering in the deep, covered in slime and mucus. But there's something even worse.

Its face.

Most fish don't really have faces. You've heard people refer to "fish eyes" or "fish lips," or they say, "Oh, shut up, you old fish face." But the blobfish actually has a face. Not a fish face, but a human face, complete with lips and a big, bulbous nose. A blobfish looks like some fat, drunken judge and may be highly intelligent. And therefore quite dangerous.

It frowns. It leers. Sometimes, it even drools.

"That's gross!" said an editor around here who didn't believe me. But once she saw the photos, she began gnawing the knuckles on her right hand in sheer, abject terror.


Comments (8)

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Newest 5 Comments

can someone tell me why we should 'fear' this blob? i doesn't exactly say if the fish is poison, eats human flesh, or what. it just seems like it is a blob where it can come through facets and possibly go into big lakes where the asian carp fish can't go, this blob fish might be able to go... is this the fear?
it is ugly though.
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Johnny Cat
on all of the forums scattered about this vast array of intertubes, you response to this post has got to be the funniest ever. possibly of years to come.

well, maybe it's not all that. but it's pretty damn funny.
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