What Happened In My Birth Year?

What Happened in My Birth Year? is a new website by Philipp Lenssen (of Google Blogoscoped fame). The concept is pretty simple: just type in the year of your birth to find out the top selling movies and books, most popular songs and TV shows, as well as significant historical events.

Link - via Arturo Goga

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I was born 2/17/50. Moses was born "on the 17th day, of the second month" Noah's flood began "on the second month, on the 17th day."Giordano Bruno (the great Italian thinker and priest) was burned-at-the-stake on 2/17/1600. I am an Aquarian. "The water born." So what does all this mean? Not a darn thing! Peace-out
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I just celebrated my birthday on the 22nd so this was really nice to come across! Johnny Cat, I got neatorama and yahoo too. I thought that was cool. I just think for someone who takes the time to put out something like that, I wanted take the time to really appreciate it. I didn't mind the wait.

I remembered when going to the movies was an occasion. Raiders of the Lost Ark was a favorite movie of mine but I saw it when I was older and it was on HBO. I do remember cheesy 3D effects in my childhood but it was in books and those prizes out of cereal boxes. I have never heard of Nobel House. Maybe I'll get it from the library...which now you can electronically get it delivered to your house. No fancy book stores then with multimedia or coffee shops inside.

Saturday morning cartoons were still a "get up in your pajamas with a bowl of cereal" kind of morning. I also remember those brownish cable boxes that were attached to a cable with a slider that changed the channels.

One year away from 30 and I can say I really enjoyed looking back at those events with a different appreciation than when I was a little kid. :)
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Ditto alexf's comment above.

That site was pretty lame. Weak. The person that did this couldn't even be bothered to create new copy for different years? Seriously? So it regurgitates whatever year you put in the same tripe over and over (glazed eyes? 3D, movies, whatever...), not even interesting stuff. The captain obvious comments about books and stuff, like we're supposed to go "WowweeEEE there was books back then and you didn't read anything on computers, I had no idea?!" To top it off the glacial crawl of the complete tripe to see the same stupid stuff over and over is just a bother.

Seriously, Neatorama posts some pretty awesome and cool things with links, but this, this was definitely not one of them.
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