(YouTube Link)
Chris Scott is training to be a 911 operator. His wife, at home with their infant son, found the child choking. She called 911, Scott answered the phone, and calmly talked her through the problem. The boy, Jacob, is again healthy and safe.
Link via reddit
How can a parent consider themselves responsible if they don't know how to treat a choking child?
Check this: http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=3045660
You can learn how to do CPR (which includes choking problems) in your home, in your spare time. Learn this stuff if you plan on having a kid. Please.
Full disclosure: I am an ER nurse and an AHA instructor in CPR, ACLS and PALS. I get no money from this. I have seen this program save lives.
I think parents should definitely learn how to give CPR, safety first. wouldn't hurt to know.
Also, I think EVERYBODY should know how to perform CPR.
At a friend's house their son choked on a bacon sandwich. She didn't know what to do so I got on with it - moments later our son choked on the other end of the same sandwich and I had to invert and thump him, too.
Cursed bacon - who trusts it?
I wonder: do those "first-time parent" classes include infant CPR? It would make sense if they did.