Archive for February 15th, 2010

Wash Your Hands With Plasma Gas

A new cleaning technology could replace or supplement the soap, water, and disinfectants used at hospitals to wash hands. Plasma gas sprayed on hands through machines developed by researchers in Germany can kill bacteri...

Mother Calls 911 While Baby is Choking, Operator Talks Her Through It. Operator is Baby's Father.

(YouTube Link) Chris Scott is training to be a 911 operator. His wife, at home with their infant son, found the child choking. She called 911, Scott answered the phone, and calmly talked her through the problem....

What's The Best Way to Melt Lots of Snow?

Photo (origin unknown) via Dark Roasted Blend's pretty nifty article Lots of Snow! Engineer Jeff the Baptist and victim of the recent Snowpocalypse has a problem: he's got a huge pile of snow in front of his house. Being...

Wi-Fi Helps Control Rowdy Students on School Bus

Thanks to technology, beleaguered school bus drivers have a new tool to control rowdy students: give 'em the Interwebs to surf.Students endure hundreds of hours on yellow buses each year getting to and from school in...

Benny Ohrman's Gatorbike

[caption id="attachment_29505" align="aligncenter" width="468" caption="Photo: Barry Bland/Bancroft USA"][/caption] Forget about the "Hog."  If you really want to look cool on the roads, buy this motorcycle custom ma...

Shaun White's Private Halfpipe

60 Minutes ran an interesting piece on Olympic snowboarding sensation Shaun White last night.  Informative as always, and full of facts about the athlete, the neatest part had to be near the beginning when he showed B...

Spectrographic Scarves

Becky Stern makes scarves that match the emission spectra of different elements. The term "emission spectrum" is defined by The Larousse Dictionary of Science and Technology as "wavelength distribution...

Strap-On Tank Tracks

(YouTube Link) This Russian-language (?) video shows a handy car accessory. Drive up on the treads, remove your wheels, attach the axle to the treads, and you have a functional tracked vehicle. via DVICE | Previ...

Cubestormer Destroys Any Rubik's Cube Challenge

(YouTube Link) It was bound to happen sooner or later.  Cubestormer is a robotic device from The Lego Mindstorms that can solve any randomly mixed up 3x3x3 cube in under 12 seconds. via UniqueDailyrobotics...

We Are The Champions in Tatar

[youtube=][YouTube - Link]This is different - a cover of Queen's We Are The Champions by a group of Tatars willing the Russian team on to victory in the Winter Olympics....

New Leopard Species Caught on Film

The Sundaland clouded leopard, a little understood species of leopard located in Borneo, has been filmed for the first time. It was only classified as a separate species a few years ago, and listed as endangered in 200...

Indonesian Dragon

Reddit user biophilia curiosis of Operation Wallacea spotted this specimen in Buton, Indonesia. While participating in a herpetology study we stumbled across this female laying eggs in a nest. She was found in the L...

Dark Lens

Photographer Cédric Delsaux (previously at Neatorama) began the project Dark Lens with the intent of photographing suburban decay in Dubai, but the addition of Star Wars characters made it something special. Link to...

Too Late to Apologize: A Declaration

(YouTube link) Too Late to Apologize: A Declaration by T.J. and the Revo is a parody of the song Apologize by Timbaland featuring OneRepublic. A perfect video for President's Day. Link -via reddit mu...

Laughing Quads Turn Ten Tomorrow

The Mathias quadruplets of Lexington, North South Carolina captured our hearts by laughing in unison in a clip featured on America's Funniest Home Videos. Grace, Emily, Mary Claire, and Anna will turn ten years old o...

Man Sets World Hugging Record with 7,777 Hugs

Jeff Ondash of Cranfield, Ohio set a world record by giving 7,777 hugs in a 24-hour period on Valentine's Day in front of a casino in Las Vegas: The previous record of 5000 hugs in one day was set last year by Sio...

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