Snuggling With A Seal

[YouTube - Link]

Check out this little snuggling (or is it snorgling?) action and just before Valentines Day on the beaches of South Georgia! OK, I'm torn between condemning such close interaction with a wild animal by humans, however I am stuck saying, "D'awwwwwww," throughout the whole video. I can't help but think that the behaviour of the seal is between being very curious and/or lonely.

Whatever the facts are - I recall how vocal some of you folks have been about wild animal and humans interacting with Neatorama's article on Sonya the Slow Loris - humans should never be this close to a wild animal no matter how adorable it looks or acts. After all seals are also predators and have attacked humans before...but they have also been the ones to initiate contact with humans.

**UPDATE - I see that the video has indeed been taken down which is a shame, really. I would like to thank "l'elk!" for the link which you can find in the comments for a Google Cache. Backup link here -

**UPDATE 2: OK, I apologize folks for the video disappearing on all of you but it would seem that all remnants of the video are gone including the Google Cache link. It was fun while it lasted. :(

**UPDATE 3: KY3, was kind enough to post up in the comments a link to the video! Thank you KY3! :D [Link here]

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Music is by Jose Padilla, "Adios Ayer"

I'd really like to know who the woman is, and who put the video together.. Great choice of topic and music!
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