Coldcast assembled pictures and information about twenty of the strangest apartment buildings around the world. These include the above "Cube Houses" of Rotterdam. Designed by Piet Blom and built in 1984, they use the space over a pedestrian walkway and are angled to create the impression of a forest:
The cubes are tilted and sit on hexagon-shaped pole structures. The cubes contain the living areas, which are split into three levels. The triangle-shaped lower level contains the living area. The windows on this level open onto the environment below due to the slope of the tilted cube. The middle level contains the sleeping area and a bathroom, while the top level, also in a triangular shape, is used as either an extra bedroom or a living space. The top level provides a great view since the apex of the room is a three sided pyramid with windows all around. via Digg | Information about the Cubic Houses | Photo: