The Evolutionary Origins of the Sweet Tooth

In an interview at The Smithsonian, evolutionary biologist Jason Cryan explained why humans generally have predisposition to sweet foods and a disinterest in bitter foods:

The evolutionary explanation for the sweet tooth revolved around that idea that we have physiologically associated a sweet taste with high-energy foods which would have helped our earliest ancestors survive better in their environment (getting more “bang-for-the-buck”….if an individual has to spend time and effort foraging for food, it’s better to obtain energy-dense food items than energy-poor food items). When one considers our ability to taste, our ability to perceive “sweet” is relatively weak, while our ability to perceive “bitter” is generally considered much stronger (in fact, the strongest of our taste reception, on average). Perception of “bitter” is thought to be an evolutionary strategy of quickly identifying plants that contain potentially harmful toxins (produced as secondary plant compounds). Thus, evolving a low tolerance to “bitter” and a high tolerance to “sweet”‘ might have promoted our ancestors to actively seek out sweet tasting foods.

Cryan also notes that all animals that have been tested favor sweet foods -- except for cats. Cats may have lost the ability to taste sweet foods due to a wholly carnivorous diet.

Link | Photo: US Department of Health and Human Services

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I suspect that many cats are attracted to other aspects of sweet foods, besides the sweetness itself. There are various aromatic chemicals in fruits that may attract them... I think that they "like" cake and pastries because of the fats in them, or I should say, the smell of fats, since cats are initially attracted to foods by smell. Of course, for any species, there is always tons of variability amongst individual organisms, so in biology there exceptions to almost every "rule"...!
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Hmmm, I wonder why then my cat loves cake? Actually it seems as if she can smell sugar. Anytime I eat any kind of sweets, especially pastries, she comes running.She doesn't like regular bread though.
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Tell that to my mom! She found out she was pregnant with me on her 19th birthday because she had a slice of her birthday cake, and my grandmother immediately went out and bought a pregnancy test. To this day my mom only eats sugar free cookies if she eats them at all.

Me on the other hand... I can't resist sweets.

Anecdote, data, I know I know.
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I'm not sure what liphttam is talking about... blank one? huh? It works for me...

Anyhow, I'm a huge fan of old non-fiction and Google Books is one of my favorite spots to peruse.

It really is a GREAT deal to have all these classic PopSci issues available for easy browsing! For years both my father and I were Popular Science subscribers. I finally canned it about 10 years ago when the magazine really degenerated and adopted a "jam anything & everything green down your throat editorial policy" ... They've basically morphed into Popular One-Sided Left Wing Science and the science is particulary weak these days. Of course, they were never as egg-heady as Scientific American (itself a disaster today for the same reasons... quite a shame) but they did focus on emerging technology and generally presented a neutral political stance and objective editorial policy. Well, those days are long gone.

But at least we can look back on these old classics that aimed to teach people and present alternate views on future technology. Good stuff, but sad how far things have fallen with them.
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Science Probe, of which I was lucky enough to start with premier issue, was great in my opinon but it lasted a very short time. Reason stated : "Too many other publications to keep that one going." Rats....
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I am hunting for the issue of your magazine that did an article on 'HOW-TO' build SOLAR PANELS. Do you know which issue that was? I would appreciate it if you would e-mail me that information.
sincerely, Norma E. Mizer
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For some reason I can't register to your website. I get a message that that my E-mail address is invalid. Please advise.

I'm trying to find the issue that had the plans for a gas engine powered model airplane called "Miss Sicence" or "Miss Scientific" Around 1941,1942 or 1943.


Charlie Calvert
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