Apparently years and years of medical schooling isn't enough to make good doctors. They also need to go to ... clown school!
Just kidding. A charity in Northern Ireland is recruiting clowns to entertain sick children in hospitals and hospices:
Clowndoctor Elaine Duncan, aka Dr Twinkle, said she loved to see the smiles on children's faces.
"The children have the choice whether they want to chat or play with us as we want to make sure they feel as comfortable as possible," she said.
"It's great when you do something that makes them giggle and you know they are having fun."
It's a story just begging to be made into a movie. Hollywood, can you feel it? A real life story inspiring a movie inspiring a real life story? Someone call Robin Williams! Wait, what? Oh ...
I am SO not impressed.
See here:
(sorry for the big URL)
So, there were already clown doctors in the states in 1993.
In fact, says « One of the biggest steps in the institution's history was taken in 1986, when the circus opened the clown care unit, a group of professional clowns, trained extensively in hospital procedures, circus skills, and improvisation, make rounds as "clown doctors." »
How many of us made someone smile today?