(Video Link)
The Impossible Lamp is a work of craft and film by Jeeves Basu. It begins with a large wax candle sitting atop a clear plastic lampshade. Basu and his team had the difficult task of melting the wax so that it would drip over the mold, but cooling it before it could drip off. This time-lapse video shows how they did it.
Link via Urlesque
Nice small table, too; you wouldn't want the cat jumping up to investigate.
the lamp does not melt as it is fitted with a liquid-cooled LED bulb. It's unusual in that it has paraffin floating around inside it. Which helps contain most of the heat. The bulb works in conjunction with the template material the wax melts onto which i sourced from germany. It's ultra heat-resistant.
I think it's an awesome idea. I've always been taken with melted candle wax. I once accidentally left some candles burning in my room over a weekend. No worries, they weren't close to anything combustible (on a table) and they were sitting on a big bronze dish. I was a little disappointed because they were mostly decorative and I couldn't afford to replace them at the time (three tiered candles, like twenty bucks each) but the patterns they made in the dish were really striking. I mean, it was basically garbage but I couldn't bring myself to throw it out for several months.
Good work, Jeeves.
What's the music used for the soundtrack?
the music was composed specially for the piece by my sound designers GrandBrother.
and thanks cola. the idea came from sitting at a dinner table watching the wax pool at the base.