“A clear plastic Easy Inter Burial Container, where the body is additionally encased in clear resin and is standing erect for all to view during installation, creates a very impressive image.”
The screwing-into-the-ground would be performed either by humans or by an adaptation on a tractor backhoe.
Link, via.
If they could figure out a way to make it so that a fairly normal looking casket could be placed into the middle of a giant screw and buried upright, I'd be a little more on board.
In any case, I was just going to say that I don't think this is any more or less unusual than burying our dead in the first place.
This is an over complicated solution to a problem, but then you couldn't patent the method of digging a deep narrow hole with something like an auger and dropping in a traditional casket.
Also there is the matter of decomposition. Many religions have a tradition of returning the earthly remains to the earth. Encasing the cadaver in plastic means that this is going to take a very, very long time to happen.
I can see a crew of men having to try 7 different spots before they find one that wouldn't have something in the way of the coffin as it is screwed into the ground.
In fact, the past few National Funeral Director Association Expos have featured a company that already sells an upright casket.
From a practical viewpoint, how would you get it to the cemetery from the funeral? A gigantic "nut" trailer?
And if you both are in clear plastic, you can spend eternity with your finger just inches from your brother saying "I'm not touching you"!
'I'm on a boat ...'
baby right round
Like a record baby
right round
round round"
--Dead or Alive
(no pun intended)