Interesting Things Found in Books

AbeBooks asked their booksellers to reveal what items they have found inside the books that pass through their hands.  They reported many instances of discovering credit cards and banknotes, including this heartbreaker:
“A wealthy, elderly woman in my town died a few years ago and left a large book collection with many fine books, much of which wound up in my inventory. The remaining books went to a local thrift shop, including a microwave cookbook which, as it turned out, contained 40 $1000 bills. The book was purchased by someone from out of town who was idling away the time waiting for her ride. She took the money to a local bank to verify its authenticity and that was how we heard about it. She didn't give a cent back to the thrift shop, either. A deeply frustrating experience for many, I can assure you.”

Other items have both monetary and historic value:
“Inside a volume, one of eight bought at a local garage sale, I found a charming child's Christmas card with the inscription "Merry Christmas to Harry from .....(fairly illegible). About two years later while trying to decipher the signature, the name suddenly revealed itself...."from Frank Baum."

Other dealers have found items such as a Mickey Mantle rookie baseball card, a golf scorecard signed by Don Drysdale and Sandy Koufax, a diamond ring, and a variety of other odd and unusual items, including the inevitable... strip of bacon.

Perhaps most impressive is this report from Bookride:
Eight relief hand-coloured etchings [by William Blake] discovered by a book collector between the pages of an international rail timetable bought in the late seventies from a ‘North London book dealer’, and recently acquired by the Tate for £441,000. Apparently, the reason suggested as to why the dealer hadn’t bothered to check through the huge timetable before putting it out for sale was because it was so ‘ boring'.

What have you found?  Or what have you lost?  Do you use something odd as a bookmark?

Links to AbeBooks' list and the Bookride report.

I once bought a very old book at a flea market. It was printed in 1874. Inside was a business card from "California Feed & Fuel Co." which was located on Main Street in Los Angeles. I wonder if it's still there. :-)
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I once checked out a book from my local library and found a $20 inserted into the first few pages. I doubt it was a bookmark because it wasn't too far into the book, but why else was it there?
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Here's a really freaky one for you people - a book about H.P. Lovecraft's works that I was browsing through in a public library recently had the words "Because it killed him" across the middle pages - and there were blood stains on the second-last page of the book as well.

Freaked me out for days . . .
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A couple of years ago I found in a book that I bought in a swap meet a postcard from Hawaii that was filled out but never sent. It was from 1963 and the guy was writting to his wife in Los Angeles. I put a stamp on the old post card and sent it on its way. The romantic in me likes to think the couple still lived there and they are still talking about that postcard.
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When I was a teenager, I rented a book (I'm from a South-East Asian city, libraries were terrible) - Jung Chang's Wild Swans. I discovered huge pieces of dandruff between the pages -- most of them were the size of my pinky nail, but a couple of them were a at least a couple of inches wide. UGH.

On a less disgusting note, I once found boarding ticket stubs, receipts and an itinerary in a volume while browsing the bookstore. I hoped he enjoyed his surfing lessons in Bali!
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I found a business card inside a book good free admission to a dance hall dated December 23, 1943.I'd like to think a soldier came home on leave for the holidays and never used it.
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A book I purchased at a thrift store last week had a envelope and letter from a missionary to his little sister hiding inside.
Other than that only some interesting bookmarks and filled library checkout cards.
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Just today I bought four old cookbooks from a thrift shop. In total there were three findy-things: a canned salmon label with recipes (including a salmon gelatine mold), an advert for a campaigning alderman from 1960, and my favourite - a handwritten recipe for 'May's best raisin cookies'.
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I bought an small leather bound book of poetry once at a used book sale. It was inscribed as a graduation present in 1921. Inside were dried four leaf clovers, 6 or 7 total. It paints such a romantic scene.
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"she didn't give a cent back to the thrift store either"...well, that'll learn ya to shake out the pages next time, huh?

i once found a letter to santa from 1929 in a volume about napoleon- the library claimed she "knew" that person, and took it away from me.

wench. :(
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Should have mailed it to Santa!

I bought a copy of George Takei's autobiography late last year at a second hand book shop. Opened it up when I got home to find that he's actually signed it as well:

'To Winifred, all best wishes, George Takei'

dated 12/14/94

I think that it's a bit of a keeper. :)
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We once got a call from our neighbors who had taken a book out at the library. In the pages, they'd found a blank check of ours.

My wife had read that same book over a year aga and must have used the check as a bookmark. It was such a coincidence that the very next people to check it out lived in the house next to us!
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I love second hand books. Quite a few times I've found the small part of the boarding pass in them - funny, that's the only thing I can recall finding in books for quite a while. But like so many of them...
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I volunteer for our local Friends of the Library that receives donations of thousands of used and new books. We are careful to check the books for whatever might be tucked inside (I found $250 in a biography of Harry Truman a few years ago), and we have collections of "things found in books" that get made into a display for our monthly book sales. Once I was working a book sale, and the person who was sitting with me discovered an old photo of her wedding up on the display -- that was a source of much merriment among the volunteers. The list of items could fill up many pages on single-spaced, 8pt type I'm sure (the Friends is a very old organization). We too have found bacon. Why would someone use a strip of bacon for a bookmark? The mind boggles!
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I work at a university library (if you couldn't tell from my name), and I've found a bunch of interesting things. Once I found someone's (current, non-expired) passport. That's quite an expensive bookmark. No bacon, though. That's hilarious.
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I found a fully autographed program from the 60's from a reunion of the first Saskatchewan Roughriders team, or their first team to win the Grey Cup. (Don't remember exactly) Anyway, it was fully signed, had the menu from the meal and everything.

I found it in a biography of racing driver and team owner Bruce McLaren.
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I bought a book of poetry by John Donne, printed in the 1940s. It was heavily annotated and underlined, and had been studied very hard. I assumed it must have belonged to a professor or grad student, until I found two high school hall passes inside the pages.

I went online to look up this school (in upstate NY) that had such well-educated students. Today their resources for English classes include a "Lord of the Flies" video game. It made me want to cry.
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I've found airline boarding passes over and over. Maybe people are doing a lot of reading on planes?

I found a business card/ small flyer thing for a medical marijuana dispensary in a used book last week.
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@ Robolasse

What CAN the police do? I fear the worst for all of us as I feel that something nasty has been unleashed . . .

. . . on a separate note, my friend told me this morning that the library's temporarily closed due to "unforseen circumstances" - the mystery deepens . . .
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I don't remember exactly where I found it, but I once came across a W-2 form from sometime in the 60s. The employer was Allen Funt Enterprises and the person it was made out to was Mickey Mantle.
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"She took the money to a local bank to verify its authenticity and that was how we heard about it. She didn’t give a cent back to the thrift shop, either. A deeply frustrating experience for many, I can assure you.”

Payback, imo. I lived for years near a Goodwill, and its amazing how much stuff will never see the shelves that they just turn around and sell privately to whoever is going to pay the most. It never failed to put a smile on my face when something managed to slip past their greed filter.
Its even better when they suspect your item its worth something when you bring it to the front, but some "new guy" mis-marked it and they have to sell it to you for $1.
I love that look on their faces, that bitter angry look. Hearing about the "frustration" over things you get FOR FREE to start with, gives me warm fuzzies. Good for her for not sharing, imo. Fair game.
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Inside a copy of Umberto Eco's Faucault's Pendulum, I found an aged and yellowed clipping from a magazine article, which I presume someone used as a bookmark. After a bit of research, I found that it was penned by Josef de Maistre. It said:

Man's destructive hand spares nothing that lives; he kills to feed himself, he kills to clothe himself, he kills to adorn himself, he kills to attack, he kills to defend himself, he kills to instruct himself, he kills to amuse himself, he kills for the sake of killing. Proud and terrible king, he wants everything and nothing resists him... from the lamb he tears its guts and makes his harp resound... from the wolf his most deadly tooth to polish his pretty works of art; from the elephant his tusks to make a toy for his child - his table is covered with corpses... And who will exterminate him who exterminates all others?

Himself. It is man who is charged with the slaughter of man... So it is accomplished... the great law of the violent destruction of living creatures. The whole earth, perpetually steeped in blood, is nothing but a vast altar upon which all that is living must be sacrificed without end, without measure, without pause, until the consummation of things, until evil is extinct, until the death of death.
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I found a German book in a charity shop in Dunoon, something about it made me flick through the pages and I found a photo in there.

It's of a Zeppelin flying over somewhere in Germany and is dated 1937 on the back. I keep on meaning to scan it in to find out what the rest of the writing on the back says.
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I borrowed a book from a guy I was dating. I found a receipt from a Swiss train station. Before we met, he went to Europe to audition for various ballet companies. He wasn't hired anywhere, so he came back home and ended up with the modern dance company I work with. We met there, and even though we're no longer dating, we're still good friends, so it was a very sweet moment to me to find that little thread of his life that led to our meeting. :-)
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My son-in-law picked up a book in a garage sale that he thought might interest me. Inside the front cover, I found a note I had written to my parents some 20 years earlier, when I had given them the book. (New.) How it got to a garage sale in a different city, I'll never know.
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I once bought a copy of a book by J. Robert Oppenheimer - the father of the atomic bomb - for $1. In it was a typescript of a speech he gave in 1963 at the National Book Awards.
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