The Nazrid Palaces of the Alhambra

A weekend trip to Granada, Spain gives us all a look at the Nazrid Palaces of the Alhambra, built in the 14th century by the conquering Moors of North Africa. Considering the history, it's astonishing that these buildings have survived 700 years without significant damage. The Alhambra is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Link -Thanks, Juergen!

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And the oranges, the rose gardens...
Nice pictures but they don't reflect the majesty of the volumes.
I suggest winter time if you want to avoid the crowds that as you can see in some pictures will always prevent you to feel the suspended in time and relaxating atmosphere + the sunlight is splendid in december.
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Been there, have almost those exact same pictures myself. It is one of my all time most cherished memories. I can still smell the jasmine on the southern wall...
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"built in the 14th century by the conquering Moors of North Africa"
some would say:
"conquered by Christians, after 6 centuries muslim rule".
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