Singularity Watch: Inching Closer

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This week's developments in technological advances, like General Motors and NASA's Robonaut2 (cleverly and deviously nicknamed R2), and Google's decision to team up with the NSA got GeekDad's Curtis Silver wondering about truth mirroring the best of science fiction- and its predictions of an eventual machine takeover that will plunge humanity into mass enslavement.
While I was writing this I read an article about how Google has teamed with the NSA in order to help tighten up Google’s infrastructure when it comes to cyber-security. The layman would view that partnership as a natural evolutionary response to fight off the ever increasing cyber-attacks on companies such as Google. The slightly paranoid individual might view that as a sure sign big brother is looking over your shoulder. The slightly paranoid geeky individual simply views that as Skynet in the making.

Curtis cites the sci-fi classics Hyperion by Dan Simmons, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlein, and The Ship Who Sang by Anne McAffrey as prime examples "to uncover what other possible technological threats we might face in the future."  Read the article, and tell us what other stories might become reality soon.


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