Best MIT PhD Homepage Created with MS Paint

Eugene Hsu, who holds a Ph.D. in computer science from MIT, is looking for a job. So to impress prospective employers, he made his curriculum vitae with Microsoft Paint. Hsu also talks about his friend's overly-affectionate dog, his love for all drinks that are orange (except for carrot juice) and that he is a robot from the 2478 sent back in time to kill you. It's a trippy and fanciful work of job-hunting throughout.

Link via Digg

We already saw something similar last year. Some dude did hi resume in Flash. This guy's a copycat.

A resume is supposed to be professional. This is as dumb as putting it on yellow paper to stand out.
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um ted....this fellows work is from 2008. so it is doubtful he has copied something from last year, which was 2009. unless he is indeed a time traveler as he jokingly said he was. professional? with credentials from MIT i'd say he can pretty much do what he wants.I bet he has a job now too. a pretty darn good one.
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Hey Ted, notice he's computer science? Ever see some of the more "creative" offices for the large CGI and internet services companies? Leads me to think if he wants to work somewhere like this they may appreciate his imagination and creativity coupled with his qualifications.
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I have to agree with Brett though, for all the 'controversy' over the value of degrees, no one can deny that degrees from certain schools are more than worth their weight in gold. A technical/science degree from MIT has got to open doors anywhere and everywhere in the world, regardless of your personality and social skills.
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