10 Unbelievable Inheritance Stories

At one time or another, almost everyone dreams about receiving an unexpected inheritance. Maybe you share DNA with a rich person you didn't know about. Maybe an ex has forgiven you for whatever reason you broke up. Maybe a relative has more money to leave than you know of. Or maybe some rich person will pick your name from a phone book and make you a beneficiary. Yeah, right, but... all those things have happened! Shown is former waitress Cara Wood, who received a half-million dollars when a regular customer died. Link -via Look at This

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Last summer I heard that an aunt of mine (whom I'd met maybe twice in my life) had been smothered to death with a pillow by her son, who then slit his wrists and died. This happened only a month-and-a-half after they moved back to their native country full of dreams of a pleasant rest of their lives. A horrible story. But the only reason I found out about it was that they had no wills, or at least none that could be found, and all relatives had to be notified and their addresses supplied to the court to deal with the estates. Talk about an extreme good news/bad news call : You're going to receive two legacies because of murder-suicide. Nothing like the sums mentioned here, but enough and at the right time to make a big difference in my situation. Creepy to benefit from tragedy like that, though.
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