Archive for February 3rd, 2010

A Comprehensive Guide to the Top 100 Songs of the 70s

SuperSeventies has a nice index of the top ten songs of each year in the decade I discovered music.  That was mostly via radio, and that decade saw quite a shift in popular styles, as you can see at the link.  Each son...

A Normandy Veteran Meets The President

The context of the photo is explained at the White House's Flickr photostream: June 6, 2009 “After his speech in Normandy, a crush of people tried to get close to the President to shake his hand. I noticed this guy...

A Corporation Has Announced It Will Run For Congress

[youtube=] YouTube link. Murray Hill Incorporated has just announced its intention to run for Congress in Maryland's 8th Congressional District. Murray Hill Inc. is believed t...

Magic Frog to Prince Toy

Magic Frog to Prince - $3.95Here's a kitschy gift idea for Valentine's Day: a frog in a cup that magically transforms into a prince after you add a little bit of water!

Variations of the Who's On First? Comedy Bit

Our very own John Farrier of The Zeray Gazette has a neat round up of the various permutations of Abbot and Costello's classic "Who's on First?" comedy bit.While I'm sure many of you would like the Jar-Jar Bink...

Sticky Moments

Three years ago, Neatoramanaut Chris Garvey drew a punny doodle on a piece of sticky note and posted it on a co-worker's desk to cheer her up. He continued to draw one note a day and today has a collection of over 1,...

Pornocracy: Rule by Harlots

If democracy is rule by the people (from the Greek words "demos" for people and "kratos" for power), and theocracy is rule by religious body, then what about pornocracy? Yes it's real and no, it's not what you're thinkin...

Star Wars + Disco + Canned Tuna = So WTF It's Awesome!

What do you get when you cross Star Wars with disco and canned tuna? This ad for Hagoromo sea chicken tuna from Japan screams "crazy" in so many ways in just 30 seconds.Too strange too miss. The Zeray Gazette h...

Mark Twain Pwns Snake Oil Salesman

I'm a little late in posting this, but it's too awesome to pass: Shaun Usher's Letters of Note has a copy of a 1905 letter sent by Mark Twain to a patent medicine salesman who tried to sell bogus medicine. Twain was furi...

Bob Levey's Neologisms

In his monthly neologism challenges before he retired in 2004, Washington Post columnist Bob Levey famously asked his readers to send in new words made by taking existing words and adding, substracting, or changing one l...

Milk in a Bag

I learned something new ... and disturbing about our neighbors to the North. It turns out that you can buy milk in plastic bags in Canada.How do you drink from plastic bags? Sheryl from Pinc Stuff explains in this short...

Fig Trees Retaliate Against Cheating Wasps

Over 700 paired species of fig trees and wasps have symbiotic relationships. The fig tree host wasp eggs, and the wasps pollinate the fig trees in return. But according to a new study, if the wasps don't pollinate...

Hello Kitty Chainsaw

The man behind the blog Kitty Hell ("one man's life with cute overload") has brought to our attention this marvelous/disgusting instrument of household utility. He writes: While Hello Kitty fanatics...

Saudi Government Rejects Pakistani Ambassador for NSFW Name

Parents, be careful what you name your children. A case in point is Pakistan's ambassador to Saudi Arabia, whose name is, shall we say, boastful of his manhood. The Saudi government found the gentleman's name unaccepta...

Nuit Blanche

Nuit Blanche from Spy Films on Vimeo. Arev Manoukian of Spy Films delivers a knockout with this short, elegantly rendered in 1940s style black and white, and stunning visual effects.  Love at first sight never look...

Traffic Pilot Lands on Jersey Turnpike

Last year, Chesley Sullenberger saved the day when he landed a crippled passenger jet on the frigid Hudson River.  This year we have Frank Vogt, a traffic reporter's pilot whose Cessna lost oil pressure 1200 feet off th...

Did "Trial by Ordeal" Actually Work?

A man is accused of a crime. Is he guilty? Stick his hand in a pot of boiling water. If he is unharmed, God has proclaimed his innocence and protected him. If the suspect is burned, he's guilty and can be punished (f...

Periodic Table of Smellements

Natalie Dee of the webcomic Married to the Sea organized and categorized elemental smells into a periodic table. Sure, you can probably think of other smells, but they're really just compounds of these, rig...

A Cosmic Collision

Today's Astronomy Picture of the Day shows the aftermath of powerful collision between two asteroids in the belt between Mars and Jupiter.  They estimate the speed of the impact at "15,000 kilometers per hour -- fiv...

10 Unbelievable Inheritance Stories

At one time or another, almost everyone dreams about receiving an unexpected inheritance. Maybe you share DNA with a rich person you didn't know about. Maybe an ex has forgiven you for whatever reason you broke up. Maybe...

The Real Rules for Time Travelers

This article at Discover Magazine has nothing to do with the science fiction stories we are so familiar with. Author Sean Carroll looks at time travel as a physicist. He says if time travel were possible (and it might be...

Slaughterhouse 90210

Each post in this blog pairs a screenshot from a TV show with a literary quote. The pairings are astonishingly apt, at least for the shows I recognize, and there are a lot of them to go through. Link -via MetafilterTV,...

Unknowingly Stabbed in the Back

22-year-old Julia Popova was mugged on her way home from work in Moscow. She struggled with the purse-snatcher and was so shocked by the experience that she didn't realize he'd left a 6-inch knife sticking in her neck at...

Behold! The Prairie Chicken

[youtube=] [YouTube - Link] The Conservation Fund recently featured this video on their Web site in a piece about their work saving land for the Greater Prairie-Chicken. Who kn...

The State of the Internet (Infographic)

Take a look at exactly who is using the Internet the most, how they are using it and how much the amount of usage is increasing. We can see that there are the same number of men and women who use the Internet. However,...

Welcome to the New Neatorama!

Hooray! I'm sure you've noticed by now that Neatorama has a new look (all you RSS readers, come take a look) and a couple of new features. First of all, I'd like to thank Nathan Maz...

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