Terri Carlson is 45 years old, has health problems because of a genetic C4 complement deficiency, and her COBRA health insurance will expire in a year.
Is this a real person's website? A joke? A political ploy? Stay tuned.
Link, via Reddit.
It is not easy living with my disease and now that I have the genetic answer for my health issues, every insurance company uses the information to deny me insurance coverage. You know, I am not happy I was delt [sic] this deck of cards in my life. However, if I don't fight for myself nobody will. While the goverment fights over healthcare reform people like me suffer. I will continue on this crusade for healthcare reform.
And yes, as drastic as it sounds, I will marry for health insurance!!!
Is this a real person's website? A joke? A political ploy? Stay tuned.
Link, via Reddit.
Comments (36)
I have lost my insurance due to my husbands job loss and could not afford cobra, I am very unwell and cannot find another job right now because I am so unwell.
The ironic thing is I am originally from a commonwealth country with free health care, my hubby of almost 30 yrs wants a divorce now.
I would marry a rich man so I could get home and they would be able to live in my beautiful country, one must do what one needs to do to stay alive and survive sometimes.