Ten Word Wiki describes itself as "an encyclopedia for the ADD generation." The site is like Wikipedia, but all entries are limited to ten words. Since there aren't that many entries yet, you may want to browse the "recent changes" tab. Here is the entry for "pie".
And for "Lance Armstrong".
Humor is encouraged, so browse at your own risk. Link -via b3ta
A savoury or sweet gloop, usually lumpy, encased in pastry.
And for "Lance Armstrong".
Inspirational unibollocked cycling legend. Singlehandedly invented the rubber wristband industry.
Humor is encouraged, so browse at your own risk. Link -via b3ta
Comments (1)
Bible: Book of laws to make people do what they're told.
People: Other living creatures you should make babies with. Except cousins.
baby: Eventual product of sexual congress. Noisy and smelly at times.
Congress: If Pro- is opposite of Con-, what's opposite of Progress?
And my favorite I found-
noun: Words that are listed in the yellow category in Pictionary.