Stormy Skimboarding

GoPro HD - Skimboarding In A Storm! from Patrick Lawler on Vimeo.

High riptide warning, watercraft advisory, flash floods, tons and tons of rain, extreme danger! These are all words that David doesn't really pay attention to...

In Patrick Lawler's video, aside from the fun attempts at skimboarding some decidedly unskimmable water with mixed results, there's a scene at 1:08 where the camera's monopod (which was crafted from a broom handle) does something amazing, and I can't quite figure out how they did it, but it rocks.

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As for the 1:08 thing. I think, that the other guy just grabbed the handcam from behind and started to walk backwards, spin it and point it. The spin wouldn't be even in speed at the end of the move {would get slower], so that the skimming guy can run towards it and grab it from below. no need for any cuts. Don't forget it's fish eye, so he really isn't that far away and is still standing in the water.
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