Good advice, right? Because you wouldn't want a typo in something permanent. J. Harker, a graduate student in the classics, often gets requests for English to Latin translation by people who want to get tattoos. He has a blog post describing the various errors that people make when attempting to translate a language that they don't understand, and pictures of the inked results. The text above translates as "He is better as I appear hated on behalf of what I am than as I appear I like on behalf of what not I am."
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I feel like this is what happens when something that should be profound is reduced to posturing... Not that tattoos HAVE TO be profound, but these errors really scream poseur.
"Lorem ipsum dolor est..."
In braille.
...dolor sit...
too much wine...
That's a stupid phrase for a tattoo, anyways.
The whole idea of using Latin is because it sounds important and mystical to people.
That's why magicians used pretend Latin phrases, like "abra-cadabra" and "hocus-pocus". It was the awing effect of the fake Latin.
That's why you always see Latin in horror movies.