In Pajamas? No Tesco For You!

A Tesco grocery store in Cardiff, Wales, has recently banned customers who shop in their pajamas or barefoot:

The signs are placed at the entrance to the store, on the city's outskirts.

They read: "To avoid causing offence or embarrassment to others we ask that our customers are appropriately dressed when visiting our store (footwear must be worn at all times and no nightwear is permitted)."

The spokesman said: "We're not a nightclub with a strict dress code, and jeans and trainers are of course more than welcome. We do, however, request that customers do not shop in their PJs or nightgowns. This is to avoid causing offence or embarrassment to others."

What do you think? A sensible precaution or just the fashion police running amuck?


while i think forcing people to submit to any sort of dress code is oppressive and wrong, people who wear pajamas to the store need to grow up or die, so i'm cool with this.
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I'm not comfortable with the idea of stores instituting dress codes, but in this case I don't have a problem with it. I hate going to Walmart on the weekend and seeing slobs shuffling around in their pajamas and slippers.
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i have a pair of hard tail pants that are plaid, ill wear those with a pair of comfy boots and a plain t shirt, is that considered pajamas? i think its just too vague, and i do disagree unless the pajamas are unappropriat... its a grocery store, what does it matter?
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It's only vague sometimes, Jennie, and in those cases (like what you describe) they probably wouldn't enforce the rule. There's a difference between plaid pants with boots and a t-shirt versus white pajama bottoms covered with teddy bears and a pair of Winnie the Pooh bedroom slippers.
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Totally agree with this. Every place should have this rule/ban. It's the too-lazy-to-get-dressed thing that drives me nuts. Put some pants on! It's not difficult. Pants are comfortable too, so I don't want to even hear the argument about PJs being comfortable. PJs outside the home just comes across to me as a degradation to acceptable social behaviour. There's being indifferent to what others attitudes toward yourself are and then there's being too lazy to put some proper clothes on.

And I have no idea why I feel so strongly about this. But I do. It drives me loco!
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Where I'm from, almost every store has an old battered sign that says:

No Shirt
No Shoes
No Service

I never though of this as oppressive. I don't think I'd be upset if my local stores stopped allowing PJ wearers, maybe because my PJs are too scandalous to leave my bedroom much less my house.
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Tesco is a cheap and large supermarket open 247 in the UKI
I once rushed to the local one to get some painkillers in pijies at 4am. No big deal I think
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Wait a min... I do recall seeing young guys wearing sleep bottoms around town as well, but far less to be honest. Its usually sorority girls who think they are cute.
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Sorry guys, I hate pants and love my pj's. Since I usually cook in my pj's, I often find myself missing some ingredient or another and needing to run to the store to grab them. I'm not about to change clothes just to buy a gallon of milk. They're lucky I'm wearing clothes at all.

But then again, I live by the beach and pj's are better than the bikinis a lot of people shop in, so our social standards in the community are a LOT different than those of most places.
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That woman is chav-tastic.
Going to the store with her two young sons to pick up some cigs (mmm passive smoking lucky kids), and can't even be bothered to get dressed.

stay classy
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Chicks in their PJs look like either 1. whores or 2. lazy beyotches who need a shower. Not only is it tacky, it says "I'm not really employable."

I'd be fine if they went a step further and tasered these morons for simply being morons.
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I don't even like going out to my car in pyjama bottoms, never mind actually leaving the driveway!

On the bright side the people who wear PJs when they go shopping usually dress it up with some nice gold chains and dangley earrings!
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I work out of my home. I get dressed every morning, do I have to? No. Why do I bother? Because I may have to go outside for some reason or another that and nothing says lazy like Pjs. I dont know how many times i have seen people in W M in Pjs and all that comes to mind is "Wow to lazy to even get dressed"
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I wear my PJ's all the time, but if I have to go out, I put some some clothes. Just ridiculous that some people can't even be bothered to throw on a shirt and some jeans. Not that hard to do. And don't even start on the barefoot thing. Gross.
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There's a big difference between pjs and lounge pants. Looks like she is wearing lounge pants to me. I don't have a problem with what people wear as long as nothing we don't want to see is showing.
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I guess after all these years people have stuck by the "No shirt, no shoes, no service", and from then on must have concidered that pants were optional.
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Dear Sweet BeeJeeBus!!! BAN THEM!!! And for Flying Spaghetti Monsters sakes do NOT wear them in a BAR!!! Already seen it.....whywhywhyOwhywhyhwy....I hope there is some sort of connection between wearing PJ's out in public and the onset of Agoraphobia. There, I said it.....
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The only times I have worn pjs in "public" are as follows: the college cafeteria that was on the first floor of my dorm when I was a freshman, a set of pjs that is really more like loungewear, or the first couple of weeks after the birth of my son because they were cheap, comfortable, I was in pain, and didn't care if they got ruined (any woman who has given birth knows what I mean).

Any other time is crazy tacky and shows laziness imo.
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I sometimes crawl off my stained mattress after a heavy night of drinking and go to the store in my perjammers. Everyone else at the trailer park does the same thing. I scratch my 'roids in public, and urinate in potted plants at the mall. What is the big deal as long as I am happy? Mind yer own beeswax please.
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Can we visit the idea that people are grocery shopping barefoot?
I know in other countries this may be allowed, but we have a strict "No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service" policy around here.
Why would you want to walk into a store with out shoes. You could step on any number of things. This is a very bizarre idea for me.

PS, I'm with the never going out in public in my PJs group.
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A place of business has the right to any dress code they like, but if it were my grocery store, I would allow for PJ's at the appropriate "bedtime" hours. One would expect a new parent with bloodshot eyes slumping into the store at 2AM for diapers and a bottle of pain killers to be beyond niceties such as daytime clothes. If you are at the store at 2AM, then you are not among the decent people of the world, anyhow. And I completely agree that a pregnant woman in her last trimester or postpardem should feel completely justified in wearing comfy pants and soft slippers anyplace she pleases, at any hour.
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Really? Why do you guys care so much what other people do? Is it really offending your senses so much that someone else decided they want to have a comfy day that you feel its appropriate to force your will on someone else? If its not hurting you in any shape form or way what does it matter?
I can understand the no shirt no shoes no service because its for health standards, I don't want sweaty naked people walking around a grocery store anymore than the next person, but as long as you're covered up in a way that poses no harm to anyone else then what does it matter?
To be fair I know a lot of people who dress properly and still manage to find ways to be more inappropriate than someone toddling around minding their own business in a pair of PJ Pants.

Just to be clear I'm only talking about long flannel pj bottoms, or appropriately long shorts and tops.

Live and let live imo.
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I agree with most of the posters here: PJ's anywhere outside of the house is just laziness. It should be discouraged.
If it was another public place it would be wrong:
Office, School, Post office, Court, Bar/Pub

PJ's are for bedtime not for walkin' around time
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it takes like 15 secounds to switch pants. not that hard. btw, loads of beach cities ive been to have a sign: no shoe's no shirt no service.
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Wow, have people gotten so slovenly that they can't even put on clothes before they go out of the house? Says a lot about them and their upbringing.

So, so , so sad......
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I don't see what the big deal is. Pajamas that people wear to the grocery store are normally just a t-shirt and elastic or draw string cotton or flannel pants. What's so offensive about that? Not much different than gym clothes or hospital scrubs. But somehow not wanting to change out of the pj's that you're going to change right back into when you get back home is lazy? I call it efficient. And I'll see you at my pj's!
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Tesco is just afraid that someone will make a website à la
I don't give a hoot about what people want to wear to their supermarket.
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Women are the main offenders. I think Im jealous sometimes. I have some comfy pj pants that I would love around town but it just doesnt seem appropriate. Maybe because men's PJs have a fly. Im not even a fan of sweat pants or workout pants in public. Im not going to tell you what to wear but Im going to secretly judge you :D
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The fad for nightwear in public represents a breakdown of societally accepted conventions and formalities. It's wrong because it's the same selfish attitude as that which is responsible for the rise in knife crime. If we cannot respect ourselves and our fellow citizens, everything falls apart.

There's a difference between wearing nightclothes in public at night due to an emergency, and wearing nightclothes in public during the day because you have no respect for your community.
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HAHA! pathetic.... if i want to go to tescos with my pijamas, am i the kind of person who will be embarrassed?.... and will i care if other people are embarrassed for me? get some nuts tescos,anyone would think your mission statement included the phrase.. politically correct
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It is often said that any publicity is good publicity, but I'm not too sure in this instance. What is most ironic about this story is that Tesco featured an advert a few years ago in which Martin Clunes was shopping in a Tesco store wearing, guess what? - his pyjamas!
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As long as people are appropriately covered, I don't care. I don't want to see any excessive amounts of skin, but other than that I don't see the problem. I mean the people who are walking around in printed pajama pants are really only damaging their own reputations.

None of my pajamas really look like pajamas, I basically sleep in workout clothes. Especially since I'm in college and I have dance classes, I'm not going to wear jeans all day just to change back and forth for dance.

So I'll see you at the store in my yoga pants and t-shirt. But if you respect yourself at all, leave the ducky printed pants at home.
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I think everywhere should have this rule. I have people at school who wear pajamas and it's really gross. Do they just get out of bed and walk out the door? Ew.
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