An Apple A Day Calendar

As they say, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away." With this calendar, you get an apple every day of the month and it helps you keep up with the days as well. The Serviceplan advertising agency of Munich, Germany created the apple calendar for AOK health insurance. Every month, fill it with 28, 30, or 31 apples and adjust the numbered calendar behind the transparent tube. Then eat one apple each day and see the calendar advance. Too bad the calendars aren't for sale, but you may see them in AOK branch offices. -via bookofjoe

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green apples actually have a great shelf life. The reason that we even have granny smith apples anymore is because sailors would take them across the sea. The sweet apples spoil much quicker. This is the reason granny smiths are still around.
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Those apples in the pic look very round and small. Good luck getting the right shape apples every time you want to fill this thing up. I bet they get stuck too.
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