The experts compared the winning picture to pictures of Ossian, a tame wolf that lives at a zoological park near Madrid called Canada Real.
"You can see several very distinctive markings and the experts all agreed that, yes, it's the same wolf," said Mr Carwardine.
Wildlife photographer Mark Carwardine was one of the competition judges. He told BBC News that this was the first time in its 46 year history that there would not be a winner.
From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by coconutnut.
Comments (7)
What I don't get is why is there no winner now? Wouldn't they just shift over a spot giving the second place the first and so on?
It's still a lovely photo though.
I've got photos of cougars up close and personal in the act of makin' luurve... it was in a zoo too but if you didn't know it you'd swear I'd stumbled across them in the wild...
there is enough fakery in advertising.. I think the judges did the right thing and stripped away the award from a fake wanna be photographer...